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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. congrats man, good luck with everything.
  2. we have 2 conquest at the shop, biggest pos engine ever.
  3. good that everyone is ok, good thing you did not shoot a hole in your celing.
  4. just another idea, if hes really wanting to get it on the road, kirbys has a passport with a bad tranny but a good engine, you can get it less then 400$
  5. can be locked found one local , thanks
  6. like title says, friend is looking for one in good working order asap, he has money in hand. thanks for the help jason
  7. if you guys go up, i will meet up with you guys , I live in marysville only about 20 min from them.
  8. larue always has test and tune on fridays, not the best track but a place to have some fun.
  9. i dunno what happned, i will just copy and paste it then Dozens of racing enthusiasts gathered at a monthly impromptu car show in Downtown Atlanta on Thursday night, following an incident Wednesday morning where a car drove off the sixth floor of a parking deck in Midtown Atlanta. The man was trying to do something called drifting inside the parking deck. Some of the people who come to the monthly impromptu car shows at The Varsity are into drifting; most of them know what it is, and have a good idea as to the serious risks involved. It is a slow roll into a Thursday night tradition. A low rumble that builds into a car show that brings hundreds every month. The talk is cars. Mike Frohock's car is built for drifting -- a sport he loves. "When you're out there sliding a car on the edge of spinning around, and getting real close to the cones where you're supposed to be going -- it's quite a rush," Frohock said. The movie "The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift" helped take the sport mainstream. But for some who are into it, trying it in a parking deck does not make sense. "When I do drifting, the whole idea is to burn off the tires as you're sliding around a track -- but you're on a track," Frohock said. "An appropriate place, and an appropriate time -- where it's meant to be done." Of course, even in a parking lot, things can get out of control. Varsity management had to call in a dozen off-duty officers to help control burnouts at one gathering. It has not stopped people from coming out. "Better without it," said car enthusiast Edlee Kongpachith. "The police keep everybody in line, and kind of keep things on a low tone. People just go around and look at cars -- what it was meant to do." Many people there worry that accidents like the one in Midtown this week will give drifting a bad name. "Just keep it on the track," Frohock said. "Come to the autocross if you want to drive the car hard." Frohock said he really doesn't believe the guy in Wednesday morning's accident was drifting, because the car involved was a car with front-wheel drive. He said to do drifting, a rear-wheel drive car is needed. No matter what it is called, Frohock said, it was not smart to do it inside a parking deck. here is another report. Atlanta police are still trying to figure out what caused a car to plunge six stories out of a parking deck in Midtown, with the driver still inside early Wednesday morning. Police said the 23-year-old driver behind the wheel of the car was trying to do something called drifting, not unlike the movie "Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift." A driver would pick up a lot of speed, and then cuts his wheel sharply, causing the car to slide sideways, or "drift." At the Savannah Midtown Apartments at North and Piedmont Avenues, the bumper of the red Chevrolet Cavalier can be seen hanging from the sixth level of the parking deck. The car plunged from to a dumpster behind the garage. Part of the fence went through the passenger side of the car, where the driver had just dropped off his passenger. Police said that they were certain that the passenger would have been killed, had she still been in the car. After the car hit the ground, apartment residents said they had heard the squealing from the parking deck. They ran downstairs to see if the driver was okay. They said he was conscious, but bleeding a lot. The unidentified driver is in stable condition at Grady Memorial Hospital, but facing a number of charges, including DUI, reckless driving and criminal damage to property.
  10. not really i hate drifting. check out the link http://www.11alive.com/news/watercoo...?storyid=99589
  11. just watch out for ragged out cars that have been "drifted to hell" and new sr trannys are only 300$ from any car shop.
  12. boosted98gst


    i just had sushi last night, IMO the best place ,its outside of dublin on old henderson called "hana" right next to the sportsbar.
  13. ok i painted the car 100% myself and was watched by the shop owner to see if everything was going ok, I ended up doing a really decent job on it. here are the pic's. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint3.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint4.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint5.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint6.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint7.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint8.jpg
  14. who are you, i know we have a handfull speak out. edit- sad thing .....most will be dsm's:)
  15. im on my first paint job also, i work at a local shop and know the feeling about painting your own stuff, im still learning i do basic prep stuff and more into engines , but im trying to learn the basic's of paint ..so congrats on doing it yourself, hope you get all the little bugs worked out with it.
  16. today i picked up paint for the car, i wanted to keep it a nissan color i went with 2007 carbon silver 350z code k51 http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint1.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/paint2.jpg
  17. I have some new progress on the car final engine bay primer http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/240sx22.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/240sx21.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/boosted98gst1998/240sx20.jpg
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