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Everything posted by cjackson

  1. cjackson


    I can't tame him, he's like the Mystical Lyger ... cannot be tamed. srykbye
  2. cjackson


    How many posts until FNG is gone, and what are the areas the posts accumilate in (i.e. post count doesn't go up in The Kitchen)?
  3. Keep this thread open for Coty is a dumb shit. He uses Matt's network account at school to log into CR and didn't uncheck the remember me box. Matt got on and it went straight into Coty's account. Coty = dumb as hell Matt = doing what any normal person would do
  4. cjackson


    Dude, his turbo ranger is pretty damn quick. I've ridden (is that a word) in it and it's neet as hell.
  5. cjackson

    In this thread

    No I really don't care. It's really just a defensive reflex that I have. Can't help it sometimes.
  6. cjackson

    In this thread

    That's great and all, but the Scion was meant to be an everyday driver, so flame that as much as you want, and the truck is an asshole that hates me and I'm about to fix it with a match, also, I don't claim to have anything greater than anybody. If I did, please show me where I made that statement.
  7. cjackson

    In this thread

    Ummm, I just copy and pasted from http://www.urbandictionary.com. There really was no effort put into that.
  8. cjackson

    In this thread

    You make me confused? Definition(s) of Neon. A car that paint refuses to stick to for more than two years.Dream on Tom Murphy. That car is a joke. Source: Hondaman, Jan 11, 2004 1)the most retarded car ever made. often found in high school parking lots with import(euro) tail lights (even tho it is a domestic car) sometimes containing a muffler, go fast stickers, go fast winshield wipers, or go fast lights. 2) a car that poverty people and retards buy and often fix up because they watched fast and the furious, but couldn't afford a real car or an import. 3) a 2.0 4 banger that is slower than shit but often drivin by kids who think they could beat a jet."Racing a neon is like being in the special olympics, even if you win you're still RETARDED!!!!!!!!" Source: I fuck dumb bitches, home, Apr 27, 2005 Element number 10.Neon is a noble gas. Source: Chem Master, May 27, 2004 cheap car that almost always has paint missing on one place or anotheri wish i never bought this POS neon. Source: skary, Sep 7, 2003 the tubelights used to make da signs or advertising. Usually used to highlight the advertising.Hey see u at da wimpy's neon, and let's got to movie from there. Don't park it right below da neon, u'll get fined. hoarding, advertisment, shops, light, wateva Source: Pushkar Bendre, Indore (India), Oct 28, 2005 Street automobile "art" form that showed up in the early 90's. Mostly to showcase a car that cannot get out of it's own way.Hey Scooter, How much faster does that neon make your car? Source: mj_oblio, Feb 29, 2004 The Dodge/Chrysler Neon is the slowest vehicle ever made. It often gets owned by the VW Jetta. Neons have an average quarter mile time of 30 seconds, and because of it, are considered SHIIIIIIIIIT"Hey look at me i have a neon and now im a street racer....oh no i got beaten by a corolla NOOOOOOO" neon, dodge, chrysler, shitpile, slow Source: JaRule123, USA, Nov 19, 2005 An economy car built by Dodge. Targeted at high school students, trailer trash, low income people.Check out that kid in his Neon with the subwoofers. What a joke. Source: anonymous, Mar 28, 2003 The latest and greatest of everything That car is way neon! Source: Neontube, Oct 23, 2003 knee-on1. Simile for shitcunt. 2. Abbreviation of Random Haxor. 3. A Counter-Strike Player who randomly kills people without skills and spams.(also cant kill afk people). kthxbai! Source: brendan, Jul 8, 2003
  9. Nope, stole it right off their website.
  10. Check it out here Shame shame, plugging your books. :thumbdown: Well, maybe an imposter? Chuck doesn't write books, Chuck stares at the pages until the correct words appear, demonstrating the sheer will of the Chuck. Sorry if it's a repeat.
  11. Right click and save as. Bow to me. piece
  12. I thought the basic concept of a straw was that you create a low pressure area and the fluid flows from the high pressure area to the low pressure area. The gravity should have no effect on it, in fact the higher you get into the atmosphere the less force of gravity you have to effect the movement of water, so if anything, should the flow of water increase as you get closer to the vacuum of space? Also, I would be more worried about the water freezing in the straw as you approach space, but then if I'm correct with my previous statement about it's velocity increasing, enegery of the water moving faster should be enough to keep the water from freezing. But hey, isn't this why we have the Nobel Prizes? So that idiots like us can be recognized for the stupid shit we come up with?
  13. Would that mean that we'd have a multiverse with problems similar to the ones that plague the movie The One? Or would we all just die? I like to think that there would be some badass running around killing himself over and over so that he could become The One, and have super strength and shit. Yeah, that would be cool. Q: If you were to go the speed of light, could you see the individual light rays? Q: If you were to go faster than the speed of light, would it be dark? Q: If you could somehow get a giant straw to go from the vacuum of space to the oceans of the world, would it suck all the water from earth into space?
  14. cjackson

    In this thread

    Speaks the truth.
  15. cjackson


    Pasteurized yogurt?
  16. your signature makes golf carts a necessity of life :thumbup:
  17. cjackson

    In this thread

    still has weird fucking windows
  18. cjackson


    bump if only to see how John bumps it tomorrow
  19. grammar > you http://www.dictionary.com
  20. So I got the Civic some how, even though I completely rice bashed in that thing ... a three way tie for 2nd with the Vanquish, Blazer, and GSX ... so I'm going to go with the Vanquish stupid quiz thingy
  21. cjackson


    I'm kinda surprised that it went to 8 postings ... ummmm, somebody lock this before we lose any more IQ points?
  22. cjackson


    well played sir :thumbup:
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