Ok, here is my story. I'm selling my house, and trying to find something better, which I'm not, but that's another issue. I had my house inspected by a home inspector, found some issues. One of the issues, is the CSST gas line is not bonded. Ok, my problem is, the furnance was installed in 1997, I bought the house in 2002. The International Fuel Gas Code, did not start gas line bonding untill 2003.
Second issue, the house was built in 1957, which had the hot and common wiring, not sure what to call it. At sometime the previous owner made a room in the basement, which has the 3 wiring, hot, common, and ground, and so does the furnance/AC. The complaint is the ground and common wire are on the same buse bar, the inspector says it needs to be a 4 condutor feed, seperating the common and ground wires.
My question is, when does these items need to be up to code, when there is any updating to the eletric panel and furnance?
Cause I'm not doing it, period, but would like to tell the realtor when it needs to be done.