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Everything posted by Stampede

  1. Wondering what an average price would be, from the intake to oil pan complete. Thanks.
  2. What size tubing does it fit? Thanks.
  3. Any problems with them, denied claims, increased rates, ect? Thanks.
  4. The best price I've found was 9.00 at Menards. Any place cheaper? Thanks.
  5. Still for sale or trade. Thanks.
  6. It's for a FI setup, and a intake setup. It might be awhile, I'm in the middle of trying to get the house finished, sold, and move. Stampede.
  7. Engine stand for now, for mock up reasons.
  8. Can't find ls-oned. Anyone have one? Thanks.
  9. Still in Ford Boxes, never used. Asking $275.00. Stampede.
  10. How to get of hold of Erik? Thanks.
  11. Looking for one for mockup. Thanks.
  12. Does anyone know of any around columbus? Looking to have a set of steel rims done. Thanks.
  13. Thanks, I was looking in my profile.
  14. Tried it, still doesn't start. I'm not sure the plugs were wet from fuel, or starting fluid, I tried the starting fluid first. Way the intake bends around, it seems hard for the starting fluid to reach the heads. I had the upper part of the intake off, to check to see if fuel is getting to the rail, which it is. But I can't till if pressure is bleeding off. When I had upper intake off I should have sprayed starting fluid down the intake so it could reach the heads, but I didn't. Also noticed the starting fuel had pooled at the bottom of a bend. I'm going to "T" into the fuel line using an old fuel line with a shrader valve on it. Now do I tap in the inlet side of the fuel rail or the exit side? Thanks.
  15. The injectors do pulse, we used the little lights that plug in to the injector harness, that flashes when cranking the engine. When it cranks it sounds fine, nothing adnormal, sometimes to it acts like to wants to start, then other times it doesn't. I'll see if I can come up with a way to check fuel pressure. Don't ask about the WD40, I wasn't there for that. Thanks.
  16. The car has 120,000, timing belt changed at 92,000. It has spark, the injectors is getting voltage, fuel pump does run. Unknown pressure, CAN NOT Find the Valve to Check. Problems started when the belt AC shredded, the crank pulley moved. My friend sprayed the belts with WD40, there is a hole in the timing chain cover, right where he was spraying. He is going to pull the crank pulley and valve cover, to check timing, here soon. Is it Possible the belt jumped time and How can I check fuel Pressure????? Thanks.
  17. Not Crushed. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
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