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Johny Utah

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Everything posted by Johny Utah

  1. I was looking for asap. I think I found someone today though. If not I will come back on here. Thanks
  2. Does anyone do Interior house painting? Or know anyone that is good that is not expensive? Would like to repaint the whole house. It's 1250 sq ft. I just want to get it painted the same color as all the rooms are already.
  3. Like the title says looking to trade it for maybe a 4 door civic. It's nice inside and out. Just want to see if anyone may be interested. I will just put a price of 4500 on it. It I did get ride of it. I just want to trade.
  4. I just wanted an old one that runs and cuts for around 2 to 300 dollars.
  5. Are there any places around besides Deer creek, Alum creek and Hargus lake to rent a pontoon boats?
  6. Anyone have a cheap 36in walk behind for sale?
  7. Johny Utah

    Short sale

    Does anyone know how bad a short sale would be on your credit?
  8. Hey, Anyone know of any well paying Driver/Delivery jobs? Been working for my current company for 12 years. The writing is on the wall there. It's time to make a change. I have a perfect driving record and can and have driven everything that does not need a cdl.
  9. I'm with Verizon. I may just wait for the S5 to come out. Did not know it was coming out soon.
  10. Might get a new phone today. What's the best that is out right now? I have a HTC DNA right now. I liked it.
  11. Do they ever do tests on the mental state of Mothers?
  12. He is my son. And his Mom and I were never married. Wonder why the courts think a Mom almost no matter what the child should live with her?
  13. Geeze that is not good news to hear it's so difficult to get. She does not do drugs or have committed any felonies. She is unstable emotionally up and down a lot. Her son that's in first grade has emotional problems as well. And has had a bad past in school already. I just know my son would be in a much more stable home with me.
  14. How can it be that hard? That seems crazy for it to be that hard.
  15. I'm just wondering here. How hard would it be to get full custody of a almost 3 year old son from his Mom? What would it take? She is getting difficult to deal with anything.
  16. It does not power up at all. No display no music no clock.
  17. My radio stopped working on my 2009 Chevy 2500 hd truck. It only has 40,000 miles. I checked the 42 fuse for the radio. It was good. What else could it be?
  18. Yep it is fixed. Driving smooth again.
  19. It was the fuel pressure regulator. Changed it yesterday and its back to normal. It runs great with denso iridium plugs.
  20. I forgot I put on a cold air intake about 2 months ago on it.
  21. I will stop again and get the code. No they did not. I used them in a V6 Accord I had and liked the denso. So I wanted them again.
  22. I did not get the code. I put in denso iridium plugs.
  23. Check engine light came on about 2 days ago. Stoped by Advance and the computer said it is running rich. The plugs were changed a week and half ago. Could a loose plug cause that? What else could cause it to have that code?
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