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Johny Utah

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Everything posted by Johny Utah

  1. I just called Advanced they are 140.00 but there are two versions and you have to take it off to see if it is a metal clip or a plastic clip. The dealership is charging 390.00 for the hub and 2 hours of labor to put it on. Is the oem hub the dealership has better then what advance has though?
  2. They must be charging a lot for labor then.
  3. I don't have the time to do it myself.
  4. I called Bobby Layman to get a price to change a front wheel hub assembly on my 2001 Grand prix gtp. They said 648.00 plus tax. Is that a good price?
  5. I don't have the right last name. The person is not showing up on those site's. Am I able to run their licence plates on a site to get there correct last name?
  6. I need Magnum's help. Going to need Rick and TC in on this too.
  7. I want to check out someone to make sure they are not a bad person. Its not for business. I'm not able to get the ss number.
  8. How can I do a background check on someone? That will show any police record ect on them.
  9. Thank you, I will be calling Marc when I get a chance.
  10. It was bank of America. They just sold if off to someone though. Some company I have never heard of.
  11. Where is the best place to get a morgage refi and consolidate?
  12. I used a new scagg last year it was a high end model. It had the best seat I have ever had on a zero turn. It did not seem to bump around much.
  13. Does anyone go there? What machine's do you do the best on?
  14. Johny Utah


    I use tri flex liquid from gnc. I do eat right and get rest. I just need something to really help my body recover.
  15. Johny Utah


    Im 35. I have been doing landscaping and snow removal for a long time now. It just seems to be taking a toll on my body now. Wondering if I would help my body recover at all.
  16. Johny Utah


    Any body went to the doc and had a prescription for it? Anyone ever use it?
  17. Johny Utah

    Fuck taxes

    I thought Obama said taxes were going down if you made 250,000 or less a year? I made a little less this year then I did last year. And I paid more property taxes this year. I am getting less back on my taxes this year then last year. I would like to decline paying social security taxes on my paycheck.
  18. Something that runs and cuts good. Just want one for my yard.
  19. I would trade for a Grandprix gtp plus cash.
  20. If I were to get a 02 audi a4 1.8t auto with around 100,000 miles. As long as the timing belt is done it should be a reliable car? What kind of gas millage should it get?
  21. I really dont want anything I cant count on everyday. I was looking into 05 A4's but then heard they might not be the most reliable.
  22. Do the supercharged 04-08 have the same transmission as the 05-08 gxp V8?
  23. Thats to bad about the 05-08 GXP I text drove a couple a few years ago. I thought they were fun to drive.
  24. I sold the car today with no problem.
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