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Everything posted by Protection

  1. So in general Johnny bravo, if I go to a c.r meet all these guys teasing/lashing me are gonna meet me and say "Oh, you're Protection? Well you know I was just kidding in those comments about the ArmorAll post, right"? Then if that happens I'm gonna put a mountain of gravel in the the parking lot of wherever we meet, tell everyone to form a single line and go kick rocks one by one.
  2. That's why I'm confused. BLACK PHIL KNOWS MY TALL ASS. vaguely. I bought a pair of SS wheels off him like 2-3 years ago. And talked and other things
  3. Obviously asking a serious question here. No I've been on and off the forum for years now
  4. Erick? Is this black Phil? Camaro Phil? Friends with Zach , Dover and Brandon Phil? The Phil that called me megatron on the flag football field?
  5. How'd you find my Facebook, creep? Go ahead find my twitter too if u want to look at my abs.
  6. 17 inch y2k wheels then he paid 200 on top if the 100$ boot we agreed on for my mickey Thompson drag radials that I demounted and put on a nitto nt555 245 45 tire. So I gave him black y2ks with 6 tires. He gave zr1s with shot tires in the front and 300 cash.
  7. I got my wheels from Steve. I put spacers in the rear new tires in the front. And I shined them up real nice
  8. Are those staggered or 18s ? I had the c5zs when I got the car. Here's a photo. I wanted to put my own stamp on this car. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/6ad04edb.jpg
  9. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/3e05d205.jpg
  10. Someone take care of my wife and 2 kids as I'm driving off a bridge as we speak. Thanks
  11. Oh just quit it. It's done and over with
  12. Thank you for your consideration, nice sir.
  13. Has to be water weight. A safe rate with supplements is about 10-14 pounds of lean muscle a year. Sounds like your taking a shit load of creatine.
  14. I'm 6'4" at 212 lbs. I'm looking to get up to 220 by years end and still be less than my current body fat rate. Which isn't high at all. I want to be able to rep my bench press of 225x10 in sets of 3. I'm at 185x7 in sets of three. It's hard because I have long arms with a lebron James type of build.
  15. People can stereotype GROVETUCKY all they want. I like the place even though I lived here for only 2 1/2 years
  16. Listen here, you virginesque douche canoe. Go get some coochie and leave my thread. It's obviously a fail.
  17. I'm 6'4", I better have picked up a basketball in my lifetime. Hold the stereotypes tho because it could get racial really quick. I'm half black.
  18. Just tried a small amount on my leather couch.
  19. Well said as in defense of my own integrity.. I have to say something.
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