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Everything posted by Protection

  1. I have one goodyear 245/45/17 with camber wear but still good. 25 bucks. pics on request. I have 2 michelin Pilots that are like new 85-90% left 130$ for the 2. 245/45/18 no pic needed of these, look up the tread pattern cause there are no abnormal wears.
  2. I don't want anything bummy or rice. Looking for SS or other vette wheels. I have 7 rimes and 6 tires total. 3 17's and 4 18's. I would like some black wheels also. my tires are in great shape so i'd expect some good tires in return. Corvette c5 wagon wheels http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs085.snc3/15294_1422888258337_1416630004_31151573_6207639_n.jpg
  3. xProtection is mine and im one of the best in MW2 on the forum. Many can vouch. 1.62 kill death ratio, ninth prestige and i have over 80K kills total. I mostly play demolition and hardcore search. DONT INVITE ME TO PLAY TEAM DEATHMATCH. Im down for some ground war tho. i complain a lot also.
  4. Mustang is pretty much sold verbally. Lol
  5. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1687834347.html the old ad expired
  6. i got 1400 in fines/bills that need paid.
  7. taking trade offers plus cash. i got offered an 03 hyundai elantra and 2k. looking for an 00-04 impala ls or a 98-02gtp or the supercharged bonneville
  8. ill trade u my cobra swapped mustang but it needs a tranny.
  9. well its not moving so i guess take your time. i really dont want to sell it for any less than 4300 tho.
  10. yeah but for a 2V. It was tuned with the 2V in the car not the 4V
  11. Flakers didnt even call to look at it.
  12. Someone come and get this.. 4300 firm, and no i'm not going to keep lowering my price everyday, lol
  13. The car now has the factory 17's with brand new tires.
  14. Well the wheels might be gone tomorrow for the factory 17's.
  15. Thats what i'm thinking. or its clogged. Idk i'm thinking im gonna let it sit till i get some money for the valve covers or it gets sold. I found a Z28 for 4400 that im trying to get my hands on. I need this car gone.
  16. It does need a tune. BUT you gotta understand, the leaning out JUST started happening. Its starving because ofsomething else. im telling you it ran fine and was strong before about a month and a half ago. I know it needs a tune but thats not the reason why it was leaning out like it was.
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