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Everything posted by Protection

  1. MODS HELP ME!!! Or give me a reason why i cannot post my z28 forsale
  2. Zach its joe... good car, good guy. whatever he does with his money WHEN the car sells, buying a foriegn car, settling for a high dollar hooker, buying my Z28... whatever, it's his decision to regret or to be happy with.
  3. Well this car is almost sold, but i might still have it .. who knows
  4. Thanks again for the replies.... Let me run a car that does 15s, with my driving ill beat it! Well if you look at my integra about 80% of them have non- vtec LS (b18a1) which is only 130 horsepower and 121 tourqe (crank horses) and in 92-93 They changed the enginge wiring to obd-1 and the b18a1 (non-vtec) created 140 horses and 121TQ... But i have a rare GS-R which creates 160 Hp at 7600 RPMs and 117 TQ at 6800 rpms. It's still Slow but the power to weight ratio makes that time possible... and not to mention a short ratio tranny
  5. Will post pics on request, Thaey are dual voice coil, loud ass fukk clean ass speakers they are my brothers... asking 225 O.B.O The JL's have never been used, thay are 12' w3's Asking 175 OBO The JLs dont have a BOX And a Pioneer AVH-P6400CD in dash tv 425 OBO or 325 and you decent/ nice cd player, 2002 model, still in great shape... installed in my integra, but my vents are in the way of the tv soo i need a regular CD/mp3 player Has everything to play DVDs like all the wiring and shit does not read mp3s but plays cd-rws and cd-rs and is detachable face http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/Indashtv.jpg was taken with my camera phone, kinda shitty but whatever
  6. Thanks for the replys, and as for the assholes, fuck you.. you car my be faster but i can beat you in a foot race. And i show a lot more class than replying bullshit on a n00bs thread. Fucking grow up
  7. Lol, well you beat me by 80 buses. my shit is slow
  8. Actually i'm black, and i live on the south side of columbus... not by anymeans ghetto, but not the suburbs
  9. thats what the link was for... but it's sold now..
  10. sorry i posted in the wrong forum.. ima n00b
  11. Stock integra suspension 50 bucks
  12. It retails for over 1800, It's has a 14" monitor, Intel Pentium 4 processor, burns cds, says DVD drive on the disk cover, but it needs additional software i belive. I got this cheap from my uncle because he bought a sony vio with a 17" monitor, and i told him i needed it for school, but i'm not going until next winter. It comes with a carring case and the power cord The only negative about this thing is that the battery lasts about 45 mins to an hour, 25 minutes playing music full blast. http://cgi.ebay.com/DELL-Inspiron-2650-...dZViewItem 500 obo, or your 4x100 15-16-or17 inch wheels, in dash tvs, or type R internals, or other misc Honda parts Thats not my item for sale on ebay
  13. Hey, what's up? My name is Joe, i'm 19 and i "drive" a 1992 Teg GS-R (VTEC BITCHES) It's a quick car, but not by anymeans fast (14.9's) I've been on the scene for a while, but new to the site Here is a pic of my car... i hope u like, if not just don't reply. I'm poor and i can't afford a Vette or Evo, But it's what i drive and i love it to death :asshole: http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/slammedGS-R.jpg
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