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Everything posted by l36tols1

  1. Dana White invited Kimbo to be on "The Ultimate Fighter" that would definately be worth watching lol What the hell is fedor doing these days?
  2. I was waiting for his claws to pop out when he was over top the kid he just punched.. Clint Eastwood = perfect wolverine about 25 yrs ago..
  3. Torque is a bitch aint it!! All jokes aside hopefully everyone is ok..
  4. So they say.. This IS Verizon Wireless we are talking about..
  5. crackberry.com phonearena.com phonescoop.com boygeniusreport.com take your pick its alll over the net you can't miss it..
  6. Blackberry Storm /end thread
  7. It looks like all the other Rams running around Columbus to me? But it is a nice looking truck..
  8. I use to see a Morgan Areo 8 that same color in the short north every now and then during the summer.. It sounded really good.
  9. The best one I have been to was, when I went to Universal Studios Hollywood last October.. They had three themed houses Freddy, jason, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and one big one where they are the crash scene from War of the Worlds into one huge has haunted walk through definately worth the money not to mention everyone in costumes walking around scaring everyone through-out the WHOLE park Since it was Universal Studios everything looked exactly like in the movies (Obviously) Didn't there use to be a haunted forrest by one of the drive-in movies?
  10. Not going to the game but I'm definately tailgating..
  11. I went to the 7 levels of Hell in middletown this past weekend (close to cleveland) THAT SHIT SUCKED!!! I got hit in the head twice.. I went with the biggest wimp I know and she only jumped once because I was the one that scared her before we got in the truck to leave!! I'm checking out the haunted prison in Mansfield Friday..
  12. Glad I sold my xbox to get a ps3.. Don't need towel trick xclamp fixer upper.. just plug and play I have kept mine on for 48 hours straight once I found out said "oh shit" and kept playing for 4 more hours no problems what so ever..
  13. Yes sir I'm mostly there on Fridays..
  14. Yeah Sawmill does have the cheapest gas! lol took this pic last Friday it's the Shell next to one of my stores on Sawmill.. They shut the pumps off for like 30 mins the sign was fucking up.. http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/29/l_2d7d6b4a65114d0097f27be744015767.jpg
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIi71a9pJ4E Full episode: http://www.hulu.com/watch/37768/family-guy-i-dream-of-jesus
  16. I found old ass kids at my moms house I use to be a biiig collector.. Got a few Patrick Ewing and Micheal Jordan rookie cards.. I got some 20 yr old Larry Bird and Magic Johnson cards..
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eYSpIz2FjU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fpANyLEoF8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGw0lK_fIds
  18. Is it me or does he look like one big bobble head doll running up and down the field lol
  19. Throw it on craigslist the Dare I had sold in 24 hours got 300 bucks out of it..
  20. He is the next And One street ball legend..
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