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Posts posted by l36tols1

  1. I have one set-up as a retro gaming rig. Works flawlessly.


    I might make one as a strictly a Kodi/Movie multi-media device to bring when traveling.


    You can get full kits pretty much everywhere. Amazon will be your best bet you can search whatever you want to use it for and there will be a kit for it.

  2. Hey guys,


    A friend of mine has a 2011 Chevy Impala the only history of the car that I know, it's a former fleet bought at 140k miles currently has 169k.


    I was actually in the car when it happened. Driving on the freeway doing 75mph (This is actually the speed limit in a lot of AZ) Car starts struggling to get up an incline. Then a knocking noise. We pull over and it sounds horrible.


    For reference this is the exact knocking sound it is making.


    Towed it to a shop, they claim there is no oil getting to the top end of the engine and there is no compression in cylinder #3


    They recommend replacing the whole engine. Should she even bother towing it to a different shop for a second opinion? The guy's Impala in the youtube video only needed a new water pump and timing belt.


    What are your thoughts? It was running just fine up until then.

  3. I don't recall which garage handicapped parking is, but find that out and have her drop you off there. My grandpa used to go and has a handicapped pass, so it was great.


    Deal with this I that access is guaranteed close and guaranteed NOT blocked off. Good luck


    The parking garages over by the union I believe.

  4. So is this a political thread or an inequality thread? There will always be prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, and otherwise general ungrounded hatred in people against others who aren't like them, whether it's skin color, religious shit, or whatever. It can't be fixed, and nobody will ever change the minds of others


    Agreed, hatred is still being taught and passed down in the white community if it's not black people, it's Mexicans if it's not Mexicans it's "Muslims". Trump has racists brave has hell since his campaign and election.


    I have experienced it first hand on multiple occasions. Never in my 35 years of life have I been called a ^^^^^^ or had my life threaten until recently. This is not a coincidence. The only positive out of these experiences is that I know now I have 1-punch knockout power. (First time ever throwing a legit punch in a fight)

  5. What's it going to take to get a decent candidate in this country? Seriously. Nobody can stop from lying. They're all corrupt as far as I'm concerned. He's no better than she would have been and she would have been no better than him either.


    Term limits for Congress? No more lobbying? Campaign fund limits?


    Smarter less hateful voters would be a good start. This thought process is one of the many reasons Trump is in the position he is now.

  6. Saw this last night, HOLY FUCK BALLS!! This is probably the most intense movie i have seen. Great flick, i want to go see it in IMAX now


    Literally from start to finish intense as hell.

  7. There was like 28 minutes of total dialogue throughout the whole movie. That's all it needed the visuals and the perfect Hans Zimmer score told the story just fine.


    This is one you DEFINITELY have to see in IMAX.

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