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Posts posted by l36tols1

  1. Other than it being a Regal/Malibu in a purty RWD dress? Nope not at all.


    A friend of mind has a 2014 2.0t Malibu with full exhaust, cai, tune, and better tires and we are pretty much dead even from a dig up until about 50mph then I start pulling away.


    Quick cars w/ mods I imagine the ATS would be slightly quicker with it being RWD no? You can get the turbo Regals in AWD though.


    Because the all lives matters crew doesn't really care about all lives. People only preach "all lives matter" when black people start caring about their own lives.


    Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?

  3. A friend of mine has one and I got some seat time in it over the winter.. Needless to say.. I want one.






    For the longest time I had a huge love for these types of cars; Ariel Atom, Morgan 3 wheeler. I think everyone loved to hate on the Slingshot.... I think it's a great deal for the segment as well as the feel and performance you get. I'd love to own any one of these cars at some point. For me, a car like that isn't a 2nd car, that's a 3rd or 4th car. Maybe it could be a 2nd car somewhere it doesn't rain or snow and is usually around 70 degrees. For my purposes for this car, especially in Ohio, I want/need something with an enclosed cabin.
  4. I plan on getting a bike and riding that trail fairly often this summer. Anyone got recommendations for a solid bike sub 2k?


    Not sure how rough Alum Creek is but I have a 5 year old hard tail Trek Superfly 3 I take on various Phoenix mountains every weekend for the last 2 years. Only paid $350 for it.


    Even got hit/ran over by a car lol The bike not me, I flipped over the handle bars onto the ground. Not a scratch or bend on it on the bike or me haha


    The only thing I've had to replace are the obvious - Bent wheels, busted tires/tubes.


    Trek has a whole Superfly line of bikes I think the new one is the SuperFly 9 which is just a little over 2k but can be found for cheaper.

  5. Pretty sure he means that education and changes in behavior would prevent many of the situations that put these people in the initial confrontations with law enforcement in the first place.


    I got what he said. I have seen well behaved educated black people myself included put in similar situations from simple traffic violations.


    Your behavior and education level can change, your skin color can not. So once again if the police officer sees you as a threat based off skin color alone your behavior and education level means NOTHING to them.



    Hell I've read stories on here where members have cussed out police officers, refused their requests and lived to see another day. I have personally been with white friends who have done this recently and joked that if I would have done that I would be dead.. Yeah they aren't my friends anymore but that's the sad reality I have to live in everyday.




    It's going to take both sides to solve this issue but as of right now it's one-sided and has been for like... ever.

  6. Pretty much. Keep in mind I'm half black so it's not some racist point, but the inner city black communities refuse to look at their own. Instead of protesting police brutality, how about protesting/going after the influences that causes the behaviors which leads to low education, lack of skill, and behaviors that justifies the stereotypes against them. You could give away free education vouchers at the riots and few would take it but it's always the mans fault.


    This is funny. You realize no education or good behavior in the world will stop a racist police officer from hurting/killing you because of your skin color right?

  7. I actually did this 5 years ago. Granted I didn't have a gf/wife and I have no kids and was still in my 20s at the time.


    Sold everything and moved to Phoenix. Best decision I have made despite how rough it was the first 2 years of living here.


    I was just unhappy living in Columbus the cold the rain, the gray skies .. wintertime. Yard work having to travel far distances to do fun outdoorsy type stuff you name it I was just fed up lol

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