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Minty Fresh

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Everything posted by Minty Fresh

  1. Minty Fresh


    I've already got it pre-ordered at Game Crazy for the 360. Can't wait! Been anticipating this game for a loooong time! It's already a favorite for Game of the Year. Check out the scores it's getting so far... GameSpy - 5 out of 5 100.0% Game Informer - 10 out of 10 100.0% Eurogamer - 10 out of 10 100.0% TeamXbox - 9.5 out of 10 95.0% 1UP - 10 out of 10 100.0% Console Game World - 99 out of 100 99.0% Official Xbox Magazine UK - 10 out of 10 100.0% PC Gamer UK - 95 out of 100 95.0% IGN - 9.7 out of 10 97%
  2. Hmmmm....you have my attention.
  3. The TA (stripes are no longer on it)... http://www.mintyfreshproductions.com/pics/TA_exposed.jpg The 8... http://www.mintyfreshproductions.com/pics/eight1b.jpg
  4. Who is going? P.S. I need a decal, for the coned area.
  5. ** This space for rent ** PM for info!
  6. Welcome! I think I might have seen you around....I live near Polaris.
  7. That really sucks! But, did you hear the guy, "Do you know what you just wrecked!?" Granted, that was a really clean 7...but damn dude, it's not like you're driving an Enzo. LMAO!
  8. Sweet!!! I'm really gonna try to attend this!
  9. Yeah, a lot of people seem to be liking #3 (posted this on LS2.com as well). I'm just not so sure I'm sold on mesh wheels on the 8. I like set #3....but I'm still not sure. After seeing the wheels on the car (via Kevin), I think it's made the decision both easier....and harder! LMAO!!!
  10. Sweet! Thanks man....I was thinking of doing that, just didn't get around to it yet.
  11. For the 8. Note: These aren't my final 6 choices. Just 6 of many I've looked at that I like. Trying to narrow it down. Which one do you like the best (or think would look the best)? Or if you have any other suggestions....please, suggest. http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/tswthx_hb_ang.jpg http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/konhe2_bom_ang.jpg http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/prvnet_frg_ang.jpg http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/enkpkr_bm_ang.jpg http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/ssr_competition_ci3_l.jpg http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/weds_tc_005_gry_ci3_l.jpg And the car... http://www.mintyfreshproductions.com/pics/eight1.jpg
  12. Werd....so was I. I stopped by late last night for a second, but looked like it was clearing out.
  13. Minty Fresh

    LS1 owns me

    Gotta love the LS1.
  14. Sharp. And would love to pick it up....but definitely not for that much. It's rare though, that's for sure.
  15. Minty Fresh

    My new toy.

    Nice! I've wanted to do an LS1 FC/FD for a long time!
  16. I agree....I think Labor Day weekend would be great. It will be cooler then too. It's a long weekend as well. I can come to Amy's Cruise In....but I probably won't be able to do the "cruise" afterwards.
  17. Minty Fresh

    ASR Cruise In

    Sounds like a great time. Think I might show up!
  18. What does everyone think of maybe Labor Day Weekend? Like on Sept. 4, 5, or 6?
  19. That's probably a good idea....and we should make the date far enough in advanced (like 2-3 weeks) so people can at least plan for it. I'm down for pretty much any weekend after this one (Can't do the 2nd weekend of Sept though). It would be nice if the weather wasn't as hot though. LOL
  20. The one we were trying to plan, down to Hocking Hills (or somewhere). Or did it already happen...and I just missed it?
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