Did the install today.
Front Speakers (Door):
Pioneer TS-G1641R
These were a pain in the ass.....mainly because you have to remove the door panel to get to them. That's what took the most time....especially trying to get the lock latch reseated. The speaker install was pretty straight forward on these...Crutchfield supplied a wire harness, so it was a simple plug-n-play. Fit was great....no modifications needed.
Middle Speakers (Rear Seat Panel):
Pioneer TS-G1641R
Getting to these was easy. Just pop the speaker grilles off...and there they are. Now installation was a bit tricky though. The factory Monsoon speakers here, are dual voice coil subwoofers. So you've got 4 wires running to them....you only need two. You have to splice the wires, before the harness...and use the correct two. This will make the new speakers basically only produce bass. The wires you need to use are - Left (Driver Side): White +, Tan -. Right (Passenger Side): Tan +, Red -. Connected these to the new speakers....and I was good to go. Fit on these was great as well, no modifications needed.
Rear Speakers (Sail Panel):
Polk Audio db400
These were kind of a pain, but not really. Take the grille off. The Speakers are held in two ways. One, they're riveted in (which means you have to drill the rivets out, to get them out)....Two, they're also held down by a strange "locking" frame. Drilling the rivets out was easy. But getting these things twisted around, and out of the panel was a pain. You gotta bend, twist, and pry to get them loose of the plastic frame. Once out...you just cut the wires, and splice them with the new speaker. When putting the new one in...I figured I'd cut some of the frame away, to make it easier on myself....and it worked. The speakers came with the hardware to screw them down, now that the rivets are gone.
Got everything in....and it sounds great!!! Still need to mess around with some settings though....to get 'em where I want. Much better than the Monsoons were. The highs, and mids are great....produce a really crisp sound. The rear seat speakers...probably don't produce quite as much bass as the Monsoons did, but they sound good. The Polks fill out the rear nicely. I'm very happy with the purchase....it's not by any means a "killer system", but it's perfect for what I need.