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Everything posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. Does it blink on and off, or just plain die? If the former, could be the cap on the power converter board. I've replaced a bunch of those on computer panels over the past few years.
  2. How is this not getting more publicity?? https://www.thedrive.com/news/36980/theres-another-huge-right-to-repair-fight-brewing-in-massachusetts
  3. Loraffe 2 Pack Under Hood Animal Repeller Car Rat Repeller Rodent Repellent Ultrasonic Mouse Deterrent for 12V 24V Vehicle Automobile Get Rid of Mice in Car Engine with Ultrasound and LED Flashlights
  4. Question for Steve... I'm looking to do a similar project next fall (there's bats in the garage, but I don't think I'll be able to get an exclusion expert out before torpor season), and being a 40 year old house, I know there's no vapor wrap, I've seen several holes in the OSB while in the attic, fascia boards are rotting in places, and insulation seems generally sketchy in places. I know you're in C'bus, so how would I go about finding a quality guy here in Cleveland without the hassle Joe went through in trying to get other quotes?
  5. Make that three of us with this thought...
  6. Been ten years since I last had to deal with unemployment, but back then if you took a job, it would put the 26-week limit for benefits on pause while you were getting a check, then start back up again afterwards (though I forget whether or not you had to deal with the initial two-week wait again).
  7. Ya... cheap TPMS by comparing wheel rotation speed is a thing. Another possibility is if you have a fifth wheel rather than a doughnut for a spare (e.g. wifey's 2008 RAV4), there's a sensor in there as well that could be unhappy.
  8. Corollary question for you folks who already have one... where do you find patterns for stuff people have already made, particularly when it comes to old hand-me-down toys that have missing pieces? Good example would be this little thing my wife was given for our daughter, but never got played with because all the blocks were missing save one
  9. No different up here in the land when the first lake effect flakes begin to fall... folks with four-wheel drive forget that this doesn't mean four-wheel stop and turn the shoreway into a fsckin' pinball arcade.
  10. All of this stuff was on the 'needs done' list before all this hit, just waiting for clarity on wifey's teaching position for next year (she's one of only two tenured in the department, but the program is being massively scaled back, so....) - Water heater replacement - Deck plank replacement - Siding replacement and sidewall rehab/upgrade (lots of holes for mice and other small critters to sneak in near the foundation, no vapor barrier, maybe some foam board insulation) - Gutter and fascia board repair/cleaning, possible downspout collapse/replacement - At least one, maybe two new computer builds - Handing the lawn over to a landscaping company to handle weed'n'feed duty
  11. Whether or not you can reasonably hardwire something depends on whether or not you've got an easy route from the basement to the attic. I've now done two condos plus my house, and each presented interesting challenges... The first (and worst, because my friend worked for Muzak and didn't really give a shit) had a giant cluster of wires coming up through the floor in a towel closet, then going back behind the drywall in order to get from the first to second floor. The second condo was a semi-reno, so we were able to cut out the drywall along a stairway handrail and hide things nicely. The third (my house) required pulling up some bedroom carpet AND cutting a hole in a closet, but again, well worth it for each bedroom to have 3x Ethernet plus coax
  12. trust us were not coming for your guns. I'm pretty sure this has more to do with preventing domestic violence than any liberal scheme to take away your guns. Yeah, this one's a little surprising.
  13. Cause after tissues, it's the next softest thing to blow your faucet nose with.
  14. That, and put "We can just pray it away" Pence in charge of the response.
  15. When I was growing up, a 500 point drop represented a nearly 25% swing. Today, that same 500 point swing doesn't even qualify as "interesting."
  16. There are reasons to finance a car outside not having the cash, most notably the creation of a credit file for someone who doesn't have one yet (folks just finishing school and immigrants being the most obvious).
  17. I'm also not sure what you'd do with 32GB of memory just yet, unless you're running virtual machines (which I actually do a fair bit of to test shit both for work and play... some of the Final Fantasy VII mods I work with are just plain sick )
  18. To the OP question: That looks like a solid build for not a huge pile of cash. But as Pat says, AMD has been curb stomping Intel with the Ryzen architecture, and it's the second time they've accomplished this (the first being Athlon64 'Hammer' vs. Pentium IV). Then comes this interview with Intel's CEO, and you gotta wonder if they realize the gig's up.
  19. Fuck optics. You tell me how some 18 year old apprentice is more qualified to plug in my pencil sharpener when I've been around over twice as long. What the hell kind of insurance policy dictates that you have to be union in order to connect a computer, and what business owner in their right mind would accede to such limitations? No. Either find a better argument, or admit that this level of ass-hattery is simply indefensible. As for role definition, again... there's a difference between abusing classifications and setting people up to fail, versus just being pedantic. Not being allowed to throw out your own trash? My parents made me do that by the time I was three years old. That some union boss is going to come over and bitch me out, claiming I'm taking someone else's job away by not being a slob, is beyond ludicrous. There are legitimate reason for unions, but defending simple manners and cleanliness is not one of them.
  20. Why do I need a union electrician to hook up a computer or plug in a power strip? I'm more than willing to give the guys their due when it comes to making sure a 13kV elbow is assembled correctly, or the 480V 3000A line that carries an arc flash rating of "We'll be lucky to find your charred remains" is correctly terminated, but when someone can't get their job done because "rules" say they're not allowed to touch something they brought from home? Bullshit.
  21. 1. The bastards are getting in somewhere. Find the hole, which could be as small as a dime, and seal it up. 2. Exterminate with prejudice. Shock traps baited with peanut butter are like the fuckin' Hotel California to these guys. Always checking out, but never leaving
  22. Well, given that it's a out/detached garage, which (for us) probably means lifts, wouldn't it be nice having 10ft walls instead of 8ft?
  23. Why not have a metal skin outside on steel studs, have foam insulation sprayed, then hang peg board on the inside of the studs?
  24. The "Romeo and Juliet" exception doesn't apply to child porn laws
  25. That may be true of fast food, but while my degree and job title may say "engineer," you better believe I can tug 500MCM, crimp RJ45, punch 66, and speak RS485 (on top of being able to edit configurations with vi(1), write a Niagara device driver, and splice high res graphics into Final Fantasy 7)
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