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Everything posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. Yeah, one of those things that doesn't make much sense to me... I've never seen OHP *not* in the center median with their lights on, but local boys are all over the place, usually with lights off :confused:
  2. I started using Simplisafe last summer at the old house, then took it to the new. 100% wireless except for a wall socket to power the base station, which itself uses a cell connection to call out instead of a hard line. Setting it up was stupid easy, as was taking it down, then setting it back up in the new place. All the sensors stick to the walls using 3M Command strips, so there's no screwing up of your paint/paper/finish if you decide to rearrange things later.
  3. It's not OHP's fault that VTEC kicks in, yo!
  4. Linndale did, up until they pissed off so many people that the state passed a law saying you had to have a ramp in order to tag speeders on the freeway.
  5. Possibly/probably, because one town up in Cleveland (Newburgh Heights, I think) has taken an interesting tact... they put a cop in a lawn chair on a bridge over I-77. Gets a photo of your car, laser speed reading, and a living-breathing officer running the whole show, not a robot.
  6. Agreed on both counts... This looks almost Kelvin-ish when it comes to sets and graphics, not TOS. Klingons of this era should have minimal cranial protrusions, and look more like dudes from bad B movies with Fu Manchu facial hair and bushy eyebrows. These guys, and their costumes, don't remind me at all of klingons.
  7. For future needs, one of these might be a good long-term buy.
  8. Are you looking to replace the entire thing (which is what all the suggestions so far have been), or just the glass inside (the frame is fine, but the double- or triple-pane seal is broken)?
  9. Still out there for both our Upper Arlington office, and now our Memphis office as well. There's also some entry/early career IT support spots in Cleveland and Dublin (have no idea what those pay).
  10. A little late to the game, I know, but pretty much this. The first computer I bought for myself was a i686. That lasted me about three years. The next rig I built myself using an Athlon XP. The build after that had an XP+. Not once did I ever have any sort of compatibility problem, and it really comes down to just one thing... letting others rush ahead to find the bugs for you. Sit back, wait a couple of months, or even an entire platform generation, and it'll all work out. My current build is an i3 (because I expected wifey to use it a lot longer than she did, but she decided a laptop better suited her needs, so I slapped an M.2 and GTX 960 in it), but honestly, the next build will probably be a Ryzen or its successor. EVE doesn't require stupid frame rates (anything beyond 60fps is wasted on slow human biology), and I the added cores are godsends when doing testing in virtual machines or CFD simulations.
  11. Still looking... or at least nothing's been said to me along the lines of "Get your training materials ready, new guy starts when you're back from vacation."
  12. Pretty much this. I consider every bridge a hideout for motorcycle officers (particularly I-77 @150 in Cleveland... Broadview has been posting a guy there almost any time it's respectably warm and not raining since limits came up from 55), and anything that's not a snow plow and in the center median is a threat
  13. It's all about the visual aesthetics, which tbh, car companies could easily incorporate into their designs. I'm not sure if there's a federal reg/mandate behind it, but every state's license plates is the same size, so it's not like they'd have to design 37 (36 states w/ plates, plus one generic non-plate) different bumpers.
  14. Half the plates, half the price? Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!
  15. Ok, let's do this. It's not as if I really *need* them myself, but it's a respectable enough upgrade that I can (probably) get away with it without too much fuzz from the wife
  16. Brother's a CFP who took on the additional responsibility of fiduciary duty before it was even a "thing," so he's required to look out for his clients versus what's good for him, and pitted TurboTax against a CPA two years ago to find out
  17. When you've got a nominee for SecEd who states that school gun policy should be based on whether or not students are likely to encounter grizzly bears, there's a problem. http://kitup.military.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Legendary_Thread.jpg
  18. Been using these guys at the office for over six years now, and yeah, quick and easy is a very good description for every trip I've taken down there.
  19. Works for me... I'll be back in town on Tuesday evening.
  20. That's the scary part right there... nothing which forces him to sign and mail those papers :no:
  21. bump... still looking for someone to take it so I don't have to go CL or haul it up to Cleveland.
  22. :fuckyeah: I'm finally getting around to CR after a stupid busy day myself, and it's the whole asset v liability war yet again. Which I'm not getting into :gabe: That said, and on the original topic, I wish my house had sold as stupid fast as people are carrying on about, but it took something like three (maybe even four) months. Part of that was aspirational pricing by my agent, but I also got a couple of really insulting offers that had they not had the potential for a bidding war, I wouldn't have even bothered responding to (except maybe to say 'get stuffed'). People these days are expecting not just "move-in ready," but just about every freaking upgrade under the sun (brand new appliances, granite or even quartz countertops, fully decked whole-body spraying showers, you get the idea). As others said before the thread went sideways, get yourself a realtor (interview a bunch so you find someone you think you'll enjoy working with), and be honest that right now, you're more interested in just seeing what's out there, at what price points, than you are in going into contract before the year's out. A LOT of houses will hit the market in March and April as the school year gets closer to ending, and so what you see now will give you ideas, and maybe come spring you'll see something that puts it all together at a price that you think is fair. Keep in mind that the list price is their ask. Your bid doesn't have to be anywhere near that. Just don't insult them (e.g. offering $75/sqft for move-in ready when the neighborhood's going rate is $105 for no updates, and $130 with).
  23. I'll send numbers separately, but as for the hours, it's flex 8-5. One of the guys in PGH who just left to start his own company worked pretty close to traditional electrician's hours (6-330 with a generous lunch), while I personally tend to go more 830-530. We do generator and UPS maintenance quarterly on Wednesday nights which typically run 1030-1ish, and sleep in Thursday morning, and you are on call 24x7x365 should something go wonky (roughly once every 18 months in the six years I've been in this position). There's no clock to punch, we're more concerned about getting your work done safely and on schedule.
  24. My position just got posted to our jobs site :fuckyeah: I know Buckeye was thinking about this a couple months ago. Any questions, just ask (before I leave for Cleveland).
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