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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. ooo nooo people drink in college? what a travesty!!! get over it. its fun to drink before and after games, plus the bums love the cans. everyone on campus throws their cans in their front yard and the bums pick them all up by sunday afternoon.
  2. congrats on the purchase... hopefully ur not as big a fag as spaceghost. (hes likes michigan/is a fag)
  3. its a fuckin rivalry... if u still cant muster your simple mind to understand that... its time to get drunk and fukin scream at faggot ass michigan fans... quit being a modest faggot and show some spirit. FUCK MICHIGAN GO BUCKS... (its fun... get it?)
  4. why dont u just get a pass for the west campus lot?
  5. drunk osu fans ftw. (specifically girls) spaceghosts mom ftw
  6. ive never had a problem w/ it. 130k on it. it only has a few small problems i would have to fix for like $50 before i tried to sell it. i just love the gas milage. i put about $6 in it/week.
  7. i will sell my 93 metro for a fair price.. 48mpg... let me know if your interested.
  8. hopefully by cams u mean turbo.
  9. people say things like that around the dinner table every night.. he just got nailed for being politically incorrect.
  10. what complete homos. why werent they boo'ed off stage? ill die a happy man if i never hear that dani california song again.
  11. part out the wheels for some stocks?
  12. BuckeyeGT


    thank god we got our #2 coach in 2000.
  13. y would u tape that shit.. did he even drift?
  14. no way.. the montage is the best. the lotto scene made my stomach hurt i laughed so hard.
  15. hahahaha "this better be the puff daddy version!"
  16. BuckeyeGT


    haha... "dude... wait what"
  17. ill give you $5/day to go to my mom's house in bexley and pet my cats for me.
  18. BuckeyeGT


    it was funny how his profile said I HATE MUSTANGS. then he proceeded to talk shit about them as much as possible. then he just says... yea i was up at norwalk.. got beat by a few mustangs.
  19. BuckeyeGT

    I'm an idiot

    the techs were prolly like... "this rich fag doesnt even know how to change a fuse"
  20. not the best vid.. but badass car regardless.
  21. yea right dude. wayyy to costly for a fleet vehicle. ford needs to remember what pushrod is and make a new 350cui+ motor.
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