ooo nooo people drink in college? what a travesty!!!
get over it. its fun to drink before and after games, plus the bums love the cans. everyone on campus throws their cans in their front yard and the bums pick them all up by sunday afternoon.
its a fuckin rivalry... if u still cant muster your simple mind to understand that... its time to get drunk and fukin scream at faggot ass michigan fans... quit being a modest faggot and show some spirit. FUCK MICHIGAN GO BUCKS... (its fun... get it?)
ive never had a problem w/ it. 130k on it. it only has a few small problems i would have to fix for like $50 before i tried to sell it. i just love the gas milage. i put about $6 in it/week.
it was funny how his profile said I HATE MUSTANGS. then he proceeded to talk shit about them as much as possible. then he just says... yea i was up at norwalk.. got beat by a few mustangs.