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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. yea the guy who died's screen name was "slo si" i believe. there are a bunch of threads on http://www.need2speed.com and some tampa racing sites.
  2. 90's explorers are pretty horrid. pretty much any explorer we get in at pepboys has play in the front suspension when i shake the tires. its pretty much a given.
  3. i was always thinking about getting those rims if i ever got a trans am. looks great!
  4. can insurance companys see your previous points after 3 years of having them?
  5. bush- "haha very funny, now lets get back to the negative campaign ads."
  6. haha ditto. my internet penis tends to run a little bigger as well.
  7. not me... i was depressed when the lady at my physical said i was 5'11". i quickly reconfirmed that i was 6'.25" with 2 yard sticks when i got home.
  8. obviously 6' is the best height.
  9. they say the average height for a U.S. male is just over 5'9", but that also takes into account all the shorter older people. i bet the average height of 20-30 year old men right now is like 5'10"- 5'11".
  10. yea NO products definately made me much more anxious, angry, sumtimes even depressed.
  11. i should be around 6'1" - 6'2" i stunted my growth between 15.5-16 years old.
  12. meh, ive heard that stuff stunts your growth. i used cellmass this summer and it worked great. my bench went for 170 to 200 in just a few weeks. plus it doesnt seem to have any major side effects.
  13. how tall is everyone here? i always thought i was tall at 6', but looking at other guys my age i seem about average.
  14. relatively high. isnt it like 9.5:1? i may be wrong.
  15. i have broke my nose atleast 2 times (possibly three). now it is huge.
  16. i know some osu graduate is trying to make a business similar to what you explained. the fact that this guy said he already has people interested seems a little peculiar.
  17. its true. downtown cleveland is pretty nice and actually has a nightlife. i wasnt really even talking about cleveland the actual city. cleveland has huge suburb cities such as parma. sure it has a huge ghetto, but who cares, no one goes there. plus cleveland has an unfair advantage when it comes to the car scene. cleveland metro population= aprx. 3 mill. columbus metro= just under 2 mill.
  18. im not trying to be devils advocate, but cleveland isnt the shit hole its made out to be. i like that area just as much as columbus. does coltboostin have any ties to GMR? maybe they could bring something down?
  19. yea GMR SPEED ftw. i was there this spring. it was the sweetest garage ever. turbos lS1s, turbo v10 viper, z06, blown 5.0.... wow.. plus its only 2 hours away. leo said it was about $6k for everything (hardware, install, tune).
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