you can always get scalper tickets outside the stadium. usually my friend and i walk into a few big tailgate parties and load our pockets w/ food, then look for tickets about 20 minutes before the game. the later you buy the scalped tickets the cheaper they usually are. ill be looking to spend about $65-75 a piece for this saturday. otherwise, just go somewhere your confortable yelling at the tv.
yep im all about spur of the moment too. my dads definately not about it. i put my cars in his name for cheaper insurance rates so i still have to run it by him. im thinking of all the good argument points ill need to convince him when he begins an hour long rant after i suggest my idea.
im thinking of taking the greyhound to get my dream car in daytona beach. its a silver 98 trans am w/ bolt ons and black rims. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=207137780
the cars looks amazing and its a great deal. i still cant tell if im crazy for thinking of traveling all that way for a car or not. whats the farthest you all have traveled for a good car.
i saw a subaru svx for sale on sunbury road south of easton. its was white, didnt look like it was in amazing condition, but it was only $700. i know some people are obsessed w/ these cars, so i figured id let everyone know.
high gas prices have two sides. it sucks to pay this much for gas. but on the other hand, its making people choose more fuel efficient cars and has encouraged companies to look into alternative fuels.
its retarded when they give away a big sail boat to some college kid. its like.. stick to gay ass escort zx2s if you wanna keep the queers on that show happy.