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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Zombies will never happen. I can list a slew of reasons while it would be the shortest lived appocalypse ever.
  2. Fun, well handling FF. Pretty light, too. Even my big ass fits comfortably.
  3. Hey, quit throwing those damn things at my windshield while Im driving! Well, it may've fallen from a tree on the side of the road, but I saw this thread and you're a much better blame than a tree.
  4. Wouldn't that be like arresting a humminbird for drinking sugar water?
  5. You gotta add the old man fist shake to it. I actually yelled at someone who left their car out front with the doors open and the radio bassing loud as shit while they were at someone's front door. I gave them the actual fist shake. My gf, who's almost 10yrs younger, went inside laughing and embarassed calling me a grumpy old man. lol
  6. ImUrOBGYN

    phils vagina

    This thread is shit. Don't lure people in with promises of vaginas and then spend the whole thread talking about penises.. penii.. I don't know. All I know is that now I gotta finish to men talking about penii.. peni..ohh, ohhhh!!! Done. And now, I'm done with this thread. Clean that up.
  7. I have a box of magazines, ie; Motor Trend, 4wheeling, cycle world, pc, maxim, auto weekly, misc, etc. There are brand new ones all the way up to at least a year old. Feel free to stop by and grab a few from the black RAV4 when you see it. I may be up at QSL if I get out early enough, if not, I'll be at the Home Depot off of Sawmill meet later. For those who don't know me, my name is Christian or just use my online name. Come take these things, I can guarantee there'll be something that interests you. BTW, none of mags are 'bathroom' mags and I have internet so I don't use any of them, for example Maxim, for 'that other thing' either.
  8. If I get out early enough and see some people outside, I'll stop by. Probably run by Home Depot off of Sawmill later, too. BTW, for those interested, if you me in the black RAV4 and would like some free mags, plz come up and take some. I'll have a large box of a multitude of mags, including car, pc, etc. Think I'll make a thread, actually.
  9. Not just prescribed. Soaps, rinses, and it's pumped into everything we raise for food or has the possibility of becoming spoiled. We throw antibiotics at everything. It is pumped into all our livestock from chickens to cattle. It's used wantonly in countless applications on something that's capable of evolving faster than we keep up with. It was only a matter of time. Not too worried, though. I'm hoping something better than antibiotics will come along now. And there are, they just need to be perfected as mentioned above. Antibiotics is like using a 5lb sledge to kill an flea in a pile of kittens you love. In the meantime, keep all your dirty, little hands away from me!
  10. I put a towel on the floorboard, generally behind the front passenger seat, place the battery, fold the towel over it and then slide the seat back to secure the battery. "0 Accidents since 1973." Bad decisions... they happen to us all.
  11. That stress is terrible for the fish.
  12. For some reason, I laughed my ass off. Man Jumps In Hay Tractor, Emerges as a Human Bale
  13. Gotta ask why in the hell you had it on your soft, unstable back seat?
  14. Damn, makes me wanna leave just the underwear on, run upstairs and don my USC helmet and cape, go outside and start running thru the streets like a wolf among sheep. lol
  15. That's pretty sweet. I only know a couple decent ones.
  16. Meet The Woman Arrested For Driving With A Sex Toy http://cmsimg.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=AB&Date=20100825&Category=NEWS010701&ArtNo=8260303&Ref=AR&MaxW=308&Border=0 "ELMWOOD PLACE - An Elmwood Place police officer who stopped a car because it had illegally tinted windows received a bit of a shock when he looked inside. Officer Ross Gilbert said the driver, Colondra Hamilton, a 36-year-old Downtown resident, was sitting with her pants unzipped and a sex toy in her lap. He said Hamilton told him she was using the toy while watching a sex video on a laptop computer that a passenger in the front seat held up so she could see it. Gilbert charged her with "driving with inappropriate alertness" and having illegal tinted windows, according to the traffic ticket. The incident occurred at 7 p.m., Aug. 17, on Township Avenue in Elmwood Place, a small village in central Hamilton County. Gilbert admitted he had never encountered a traffic case quite like this one. "It's very unusual," he said. "This is a first for me." Hamilton was released on her own recognizance soon after her arrest. She is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday in Hamilton County Municipal Court." http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20100825/NEWS010701/8260303/Police-Driver-distracted-by-sex-toy
  17. Yes, they have open registration occasionally. However, when they close it, the only way to get in is thru an invite.
  18. lol Crazy. What a dumbass. You do stupid shit and get caught out with it on the internet, it's your own damn fault. You know what's gonna happen and it's not like anyone was forcing him to perform 'the act' and then especially fucking upload it. Whether he forgot to set it private is irrelevant.
  19. Im interested in the DDR laptop memory. Are those 2 sticks of 1gb a piece? I had some memory take a dump on this lappy awhile back and it's currently using a big, bad 512 stick. It'd be for a Dell Inspiron 1150. So, if you got memory for that, I'm interested. Please pm me all the info for the memory, ie; brand, item number, etc so that I may look it up. Thanks.
  20. http://assets.head-fi.org/a/a7/a7a97f84_Bump3.jpg
  21. Thought I'd add a little fuel to the fire and a little more info to debate. We can all agree people have a right to build, etc, etc and that maybe, however, it's not in the best taste (which, is really irrelevant as far as rights go.) But I believe some of you may find this interesting. Here it goes: I mentioned before that this was being used to perpetuate hate and to mislead people away from real issues. This made me curious about who was funding it. Look what's turned up. "Terror mosque" funding is coming from partial Fox News owner. Now, we know hes bad cuz they said it on...ready, Fox. So, if you wanna cut off the money to the terror mosque, then you need to stop watching Fox. It's the only way to cutoff the revenue stream. Al-Waleed bin Talal of the Kingdom Foundation is funding the mosque (Not the first one he's funded and he's had ties to funding more "zealous" Muslims, as well), that Feisal Abdul Rauf is building (who's currently Imam of Masjid al-Farah, a mosque in New York City.) Funny, how Fox has demonized the leader of the Kingdom Foundation without ever mentioning his name or the fact that he owns Fox. So, what is it? Are they so fucking ignorant that they don't know who owns the 2nd largest majority in Fox (and just so happen to have never mentioned the name) or are they not mentioning his name because it doesn't fit in with their 'terror' campaign?
  22. The article I read last night spoke of impromptu road side services popping up to help people out with food and drinks, etc. People are apparently hooking up to play chess or whatever else to keep themselves entertained. Supposedly, the huge increase lately of commerical trucks combined with roadwork have screwed traffic. Shit, I thought Houston and LA traffic was bad...
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