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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Believe me, I can tell a lively story. But when it comes to having to type it all out... I gotta admit, I edit. Catch me out in the parking lot for a good story. You would. 1 guy, 1 house?
  2. Seemed like a touchdown to me. However, I'm still pleased the Detroit curse lives on. :nutkick:
  3. So, I wake up Friday morning and lay on the couch for a bit. The girlfriend's gone for the weekend and it's just me and the dogs. I decide to get up and take my usual morning shit. As I'm nearing finish, the toilet upstairs suddenly flushes. I quickly wipe my ass and run out to grab my shorts I left in the living room. Is my girlfriend still home? Who the fuck flushed the toilet? Then the toilet downstairs starts making noise and the water level drops. WTF is going on? The water level begins to get crazy and I back quickly away from the toilet. Water level drops again and I think, fuck this, I gotta flush this shit down the toilet NOW and hope for the best. So, I head in, flush the toilet and run out of the bathroom to observe from afar. All the bulk makes it down minus one wad of tp. I have angered the Gods. Noise, fetid air and water spray begin erupting from every piped orifice in my home. Toilets seemingly explode with cloudy water, drains scream and somewhere in my pipes sounds what seems to be a train at full steam... At this point, I'm running room to room, completely unsure of my next step. Screaming, "What the fuck is going on?! What the fuck is going on?!" Mind you, I live in a shitty duplex, excuse me, townhome, made of cardboard and spit. This whole place is coming down. Any of you ever see Poltergeist? I know, right now, at this moment, my house is actually imploding. I gather myself, run into each bathroom, (upstairs and downstairs) and shut the lids. Way too late to save the cleanliness of the bathrooms, but this stopped alot more water and broken down shit from coming through. I then run outside to find Delaware sewer outside. One across the street viewing the sewer cam and other shit and one at the end of the block cleaning the main sewer pipe. I ask the guy wtf is going on and he tells me they're cleaning the main sewer pipe. I ask if the city is going to send someone to clean my house afterward, too. "You guys just made my fuckin house explode! That can't be normal!" He tells me its rare but happens and knowing what they are doing, I understand how there are a couple ways this is possible. However, shouldn't they fuckin give a warning or something?! I fucking breathing in giardia over here (look it up) as well as my pets! The amount of air pressure coming through was basically creating a sewer water mist from the drains and toilets along with the normal amount of water that were still in the toilets and whatever they flushed back through. Anyway, still wating for a call from the f'n delaware sewerage facility or whatever. My duplex neighbor woke up towards the end of this and ran into his downstairs bathroom to take a shit after having an upset stomach all night. He experienced a similar situation. He stepped into water in his socks and assumed his sons were playing in the sink. Before he could yell at them, he noticed a low water level and no tp so he ran upstairs to take a shit where he nearly had it blown back up his ass. lol Other than our house, only one others I know of had a problem, but she only had the water sucked out of her toilets. After cleaning up, I took a shower. Upon coming down the stairs, my old male dog decided to add a little insult to injury and hork up a bowl full of water he'd just drank onto his blanket. And that, my friends, is the start of a shitty weekend.
  4. ImUrOBGYN


    Was not the way I had planned on starting my weekend. After cleaning, I took a shower and when I came down the stairs, one of my dogs decided to hurl up a bowl of water he just drank right on his blanket. Little insult to injury. haha
  5. That sucks to hear, man. Good luck with everything.
  6. Me, too. I didn't really take any college courses thought it's always intersted me greatly. I've done a decent amount of studying on my own and have read quite a bit of material. It's amazing and scary at the same time how the human mind can be manipulated and how some of the things that we think make us different, makes us humans or what we consider superior, can be taken advantage of. Our brains our like the ultimate quantam supercomputer but being ran and programmed by the learning disabled.
  7. ImUrOBGYN


    This is why I have the ashtray in the car. I will say I tend to throw them when Im standing around in a parking lot but I never leave them anywhere else. Not even my own yard. As to some of you others and your fucking retarded, generalized comments - Piss in you asses. And, just to play devil's advocate, there are microorganisms that consume plastic, now. However, you are correct in assuming that they aren't really considered natural nor can they be expected to eat our cigarette buds in the wild. Also, know what's worse than cig buds for a sanitation dept? Damn tampons and their applicators. I was just discussing all manners sanitation with two workers on my street yesterday.... After they caused sewage to literally spray through every open drain and toilet in my home and my neighbors.
  8. I believe they fixed this exploit less than a week ago with an update. Pretty cool, nonetheless.
  9. Interesting read. http://www.invisibleoranges.com/2010/07/ask-a-real-musician-5-classic-male-metal-singers/
  10. Learned to change a belt pretty similarly. Only, you pull the efi fuse or fuel pump, etc so the car turns over but won't start, then you pretty much do the same thing. Not quite as impessive, but a bit safer. I will say, I haven't done a belt that way in years as I'm so f'n anal that I must measure the tension, etc before finishing.
  11. For the non believers, it's not so crazy of a story. Not at all.
  12. Kinda weak examples. The 2nd vid is more Skinner than Pavlov. If you want in depth examples, take a look at yourselves when you play WoW and the like. lol This bastard's experiments, along with BF Skinners, has led to many breakthroughs for commercialism and human control. It's amazing just how far companies have taken their experiments and applied them to people. I read an interesting article (on Cracked of all things) about how video games are created with the purpose of getting you addicted. No suprise there, however, you may find it a bit disconcerting just what they consider and how easily your mind is manipulated. And not just with 'fun'. (I'll see if I can go find the article.) If any of you play a MMO, you probably know what I'm talking about. The fun has left at this point, but you keep playing. Wanna know why? Read on below: http://www.cracked.com/article_18461_5-creepy-ways-video-games-are-trying-to-get-you-addicted.html
  13. Motorcycle load fail http://www.streetfire.net/video/motorycle-load-fail_2055313.htm Idiot. You have more than one person to help load it and even if you didn't, why wouldn't you just ride it up. You might've hurt yourself a bit more, but he would've had much more control considering he can't even reach the handlebars standing beside the ramp at the top. Now, a little bit o' win to help ease the pain. Big motorcycle jump in race Ok, it's not a huge jump comparitively, but watching the vid, you'll see why this one's big. http://www.streetfire.net/video/huge-motorcycle-jump_2055309.htm
  14. 1. Eh. It's been done enough. But, it's proven. And I've always thought the notch looked good muscled up. 2. Seems like a waste a beemers chassis if you're only considering being a straight line monster. 3. May not be for me, however, I'd be damn entertained seeing it go. And, given the other choices here, plus, it's not my money or for me, I'd love to see this one the most.
  15. No fenced yard? Only interested in rental. However, I believe the monthly price is a bit more than I'd like to currently pay, anyway. And no, basements are not included in the total sq ft for house.
  16. Looks cool as shit when it's just under the water. I would have to detail mine to look like a shark as much as possible. It'd also have to be able to submerse completely (does this one?). Can you imagine some late evening sneak attacks on unsuspecting people at alum creek? Breach the water out of nowhere. Or maybe get a tail for it and start our own Nessie story.
  17. I hope that's not all she blows! Seriously, though, not bad.
  18. Sounds like if you spread out your video business a bit more, (cough, Porn.), you'll have a for-sure customer and fan.
  19. Ouch. Well, now you know all those 'scare vids' of people using watermelons to equate our skulls is bullshit. lol
  20. ImUrOBGYN


    Stay at home and be bored? That's what I'm doing. Unless someone wants to have a Delaware meet. lol I can drive the Supra that far. And no RAV this weekend. GF took it to Illinois to visit family. Fuck all, I'm already bored.
  21. ImUrOBGYN


    I bought an ashtray with just the hole in the top that fits my cupholder. Since then, I've gotten much better about not throwing my cigs out the window. I never throw or leave trash and even pick up others at some of my fishing spots etc, but the cig buds have been hard to stop tossing out. As far as hitting people with them: I will say that when I do throw them out, I got into the habit years ago of putting my arm all the way out the window and down towards the road before just letting go of the cig. I got long arms, so that's pretty close. This way, they wouldn't bounce onto people and their cars. Pisses me off when someone flicks one out in the air and bounces it off my shit, I don't want to do it to others.
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