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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. No other accompanying noises or noticable crafts. Doesn't rule it out, however. Didn't seem like one, either. I thought someone dropped a rock on my roof or some crazy shit. Next door thought someone had hit his house with a car, etc. Crazy. Power stations a good thought. I believe there's a small one just down the road off of Liberty Rd. I know there's also a mine not too far from here off of Section Line. However, in the 3yrs I've lived in this location, neither of us have ever heard or felt a boom like that. The neighbors all seemed just as confused and curious as I was. I'll drive by the power station here in a bit since I have to leave, anyway, and see if there's anything going on still. It's have to be much bigger than a normal sized transformer, though. I've had the normal ones on the poles blow on more than one occasion (earthquake, squirrel, etc) and none of them approached this in the least.
  2. Wondering if anyone else, wherever you live, heard a very loud "boom" today at approx. 12:30-12:35pm. Some info: Was sitting in my living room. Hear a very loud boom. It sounded like something very large had just fell onto the floor above me or even the roof. I mean big. I even thought something had come thru the roof or some shit upstairs. It was crazy. I began to get up and noticed my neighbor outside, as well. Went outside and then noticed everyone up and down the block coming outside with looks of confusion. Two little girls ran inside across teh street from fear and startlement. Nobody could see any signs of what could've possibly caused this huge "boom" or explosion sound. This was not a gunshot! This was huge. Every had the same comment, like something large had hit their house or something. Very odd. If you did experience this or know anything, please post it with your location. Thanks.
  3. This is bullshit. A fuckin shotgun? Ill tell you what it sounds like; liike some prick wanted to use his fuckin gun and chose a dog. Why? Becuase he felt he could get away with it. Foaming? Bullshit. That's not even always an indicator and anyone who's owned dogs knows that sometimes they foam especially when they're sniffing and licking around. Another thing, this is NOT THE TIME OF SEASON FOR RABIES. "Well, the cop didn't know." Bullshit, then he shouldn't be reacting with extreme force to a situation he is ignorant or uneducated about. This is NOT an officer I want using his piss poor excuse for a decision making brain with friends and family or anyone else for that matter. The officer fucked up/is fucked up. There's really no doubt in my mind. The owner screwed up, though. The dog never should've been unsupervised for an hour outside. You gotta at least check on them more often. However, the end result does NOT justify the punishment. I would be in jail right now.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdB3m2i4p8
  5. Though, I can see what the court was saying as far as not disagreeing with the actual gps unit and coming up with a reason as to why they believe he was still speeding, however, I gotta agree with you on this one. I feel what you say here is the truth regardless of whether the perp was speeding or not.
  6. Well, after being part of the rav forums, ti seems nobody there is having this problem. This isn't just a Toyota issue. This whole thing is ridiculous to me, at this point. Not to mention, the article does nothing but make assumptions, and what seem to be biased assumptions, at that. I couldn't imagine them trying to cover something up and I believe they wouldn't take such a chance. The following coverup would cost them MUCH more than addressing the issue properly. And that is how every article i've read on this situation has gone. I want facts, not bullshit. Really? Coming from an Audi owner? I'm sure not even you can miss why Im laughing at this. And fyi, nothing could beat the price we found our brand new rav4 for.
  7. Oh, and I can't goddamn stand Jake Shields.
  8. Nutswinger. Anyone who bashes Fedor and caresses Brock the way you do is a nut swinger. Brock has no game but size and speed. Is he getting better? Yes. I will give you that. Can he beat Fedor? Anyone has the chance, but he will lose most of the time. YOu forget Fedor is used to fighting very big people in heavyweight and the UFC and their fighters aren't the only fighting business in existence. You think Fedor struggled? He won early in the second round against a much larger, unbeaten opponent. Woulda, shoulda, coulda, doesn't work for me. And ifyou want him to face UFC opponents, then kindly remind Dana White and Zoofa that the UFC is only a promotional business and to stop trying to monopolize the business before he ruins it. PS: This wasn't all directed at you, Wagner, though it may seem like it. I'm just venting. lol
  9. I understand what you're saying, but then why be on a public internet forum? Have you ever been in a group with only 20 people, ifyou're lucky? I've lived in small towns where the only bigger town was over an hour away. Wwe spent many nights with 20 or less. Let me tell you, it gets real fuckin boring real fucking quick. No, maybe not everyone here will participate (like half of you would know since you don't bother to introduce or make others feel welcome, you know who you are ) but there's no telling why they're not participating (money, family, etc.) or maybe they'll bring some fresh faces, ideas, cars, etc. It's hit or miss. It's a public forum. It's the way things are.
  10. Got an error the first time, too. I then hit the "compatibility mode" on IE, was sure to let the page completely load, then hit the play arrow. Took a minute (have a torrent going) then it loaded properly. Looking forward to watching the vid.
  11. Welcome to CR. Nice Marauder.
  12. What does it mean when they're not green or red? I have alot that are grey. Most have positivie comments, but I have a grey one that is definitely not meant to be positive.
  13. lol wtf... Is there any oil in that thing? Sounds like shit.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Sick bastard

    Oh, I read about this yesterday. Probably had a nice vegetable garden.
  15. This is the dumbest shit I've seen recently. First, if you're on your fuckin couch and wish you were in your bed, get the fuck up and goto bed! Are you really going to get up, fix your fuckin fag blankey thing, then lay back down on the couch? Especially, if you already have your snuggie on? Second, I bet by the 3rd wash, that thing starts getting little pulls in it, etc and sticking to every piece of unlotioned skin you have. For some of you, this means everything but one hand and your dick. If you want this, I have something to sell you, as well. I present to you, the Fag Bag! Place yourself within the bag and have your boyfriend tie it off. http://maconthego.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/louis-vuitton-fake-82008-2.jpg
  16. Holy hell, that was epic. If I were that guy, I would've drank myself to the surface and just walked the fuck out.
  17. Front end has to go. The accents aren't bad, but not for me. As for everything else, once again, other countries get what seems like better shit than us... and IT'S FUCKING GM. An american car company. Fuck you in the ass, GM. Fuck you in the ass. Unless I'm wrong.
  18. Bout damn time! I'm tired of marinating in my own ball soup! lol
  19. What model is the wireless kb? I'm curious if it'll work with the ps3.
  20. Dammit, had no idea you lived way down there. Was just down that way yesterday. Wish I'd known then. I have no idea when I'll be able to get back down that way, so if someone's intersted in the et center, let it go. If things change, I'll let you know. Thanks, though.
  21. Too bad I missed this. I could've brought the new car. Not that's it's a bid deal. It's only a RAV. I can't wait to see the ViewT!
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