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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I like to watch that, too. I always download it the next day and watch it, though. Hell, any show I know I can download, I will simply because I hate f'n constant commercial breaks. They're just out of hand these days. Same with a lot of radio stations. If I don't think I can find it for download, then I'll go ahead and catch it on tv. Well, that was long winded and off topic...
  2. Holy hell, the most awesome show is on Discovery HD. Monster Bug Wars. Just started at 10pm.
  3. Ok, I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwFlTrqWZ0&feature=player_embedded# Same thing? lol Nevermind. That is it.
  4. I did some cardboard boxing down some snow hills this past winter. It's been a long time, but my friends and I used to go ice blocking. You buy one of those huge blocks of ice that are just big enough to sit on. Find a steep ass hill, cover it with a towel, take a seat and hold the fuck on. Of course, said hill should be grassy for the best affect. Good times.
  5. I've always wanted to do this but do not have a gps. Other than for this , I've never had the need for one and I travel all over. Not to say I wouldn't mind one, (and if I had it, I would definitely do this), but I still haven't been able to justify the price. I've thought about looking into it for my PSP, but haven't gotten around to it. Anyone with experience with that?
  6. Shit. I told him white smoke = burning coolant/water. He had told me you said compressions checked out, though. Guess you found the problem anyway. That blows, Shane.
  7. Toyotaru and those are the best shots I've seen so far. I kinda stopped keeping track when they postponed the car awhile back. I'm glad to see they may be back on track. I hope they keep it as low weight as they keep saying they are. I'm sure it'll be toned down quite a bit, especially the interior. But yeah, I'd drive it, as is.
  8. Mysterious Orang Pendek apeman spotted by British expedition The team of four British explorers and their Indonesian guide tracked through dense and treacherous jungle in the Kerinci National Park of Sumatra where two of them caught a glimpse of the Orang Pendek - or short man. The team have brought back hair samples and a piece of palm they hope will provide DNA evidence of the Orang Pendek - a creature sighted in the area since colonial times and reputed to be immensely powerful. cont. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/6247868/Mysterious-Orang-Pendek-apeman-spotted-by-British-expedition.html Before some of you are so quick to discredit this possible event, you may want to do some fact checking on the frequency of currently unknown animal discovery, including mammals, both on land and in water.
  9. That guy's fired when Willy finds out he's skipping out of work.
  10. Congrats on getting old!!!! lol I'll be 36 on the 16th. However, I will not be able to attend any party bussing. Have fun, man and happy early bday.
  11. WHen I lived near the coast in California, some of my places didn't have an a/c. With all the windows and breeze off the beach, you never needed one. Even in the summer, when you first wake up in the morning, unless there's a hot streak, it can be a bit chilly in the morn. F'n great weather. And if there was a hot spell, shit, we'd just go movie hopping all day or goto the beach or something. Endless shit to do.
  12. Half his brain was probably trying to work out what the hell he was just told, but the other wanted to at least look like it was moving on and accepting until the 1st half figured out how to handle the situation.
  13. Eh, just took a chem job as a lab tech. Took the piss test yesterday. Bet this pays more, though. Oh well.
  14. Too much drag with my lights on. Fuck yourself.
  15. Oops. Was mislead by the title.
  16. I hadn't played since it started and now when I went back, I had to make a new account. At least this time, nobody had bought the street I live on, yet. I'll still small potatoes at level 1, though, now.
  17. What if I shit myself before going in?
  18. Wow, that sucks for that guy. ALmost lost a finger myself from doing something stupid, accidentally stupid. lol
  19. This combination works great for bag worms... and almost burning down your whole tree. lol
  20. He meant raccoons. Jerk. And I used to go coon hunting with my cousin in Texas. The hunt was exciting (he and his dogs have an endless amount of trophys, ribbons, etc. They've won many a tournament, as well.) but I was never one to kill the coons. I like them. That simple. lol I haven't been in years, however.
  21. Well... Awesome. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I think that's what that feeling is... or supposed to feel like. It actually feels a little foreign and uncomfortable. But I'm still damn impressed and happy for the kid.
  22. Did you just curse me, you bastard?! Ahh, anyway. Get in line. Nice cars, man. I feel I've seen at least one of those red Porsh-uhs riding around the northside or Polaris area... Yes, I know there's probably more than one in Ohio. Welcome to CR. Good intro, btw.
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