I made a decision long ago not to say anything I wouldn't say to her face. Of course, I feel I do this with everyone, not just my girlfriend. Keeps you from putting your foot in your mouth later and offers a certain amount of respect for the other person. Now, maybe he really thought it was funny. Well, if you're with the person, you guys should know your 'humor limits' and either:
1. If you know his humor, why are you suprised? Express your limits and how it made you feel. If he cares, he'll apologize, if he doesn't, you have other problems; least of all this.
2. On the other side, he should know your limits and, by now, know you don't talk about a woman's feminine hygiene on a public forum. (Dumbass rookie move) Express your limits and how it made you feel. If he cares, he'll apologize, if he doesn't, you have other problems; least of all this.
If he truly has a problem with your hygiene (I wonder if he has room to talk? lol), then he should've found a way to express this to you in a less childish manner. I'm not saying talking to a woman about this stuff is ever easy, however, there are few worse ways of approaching it than this. lol
My personal opinion? Way out of line. It's not about me being a guy and how it's just a joke for me, etc, etc, etc. That's not what this is about. (I'm looking at some of you who've posted.) It's about having the fuckin common sense and general, noobie knowledge about women (especially your own), to know better than to post some shit like that. Moronic. Was he drunk? No, seriously. I have to believe he was drunk or something. lol
You know what else bothers me? When people complain about something when the proper response would've been to confront him about it in a calm way. (People don't listen when you yell.) Otherwise, this all just wasteful speculation.