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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I've gained at least 50lbs since I last played tackle 4yrs ago. I may be half as fast as I was then, however, I'm betting I'm just about as hard to get down still. So, I vote tackle over flag. Screw giving all the anorexics the advantage completely. Besides, we're not out there playing Michigan or something. If it does come down to tackle, try to keep that in mind when you're hitting some of us old guys and some of the little guys.
  2. Whew. That last minute of the video was really fuckin hard to listen to. Also, these are the same people who supported the Patriot Act, etc. I think I would strangle the life out of these people if I met them in real life. Fuckin fucksticks with no regard for their fellow humans. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.
  3. We were there a little earlier than 11, actually. They let us get off and right back on. Towards the end, they just let us stay on and weren't even paying attention half the time. We beat the shit out of those karts. lol
  4. Well, wtf?! Pm me for my phone number. Once the gf goes to bed around 10pm, Im up for quite a few more hours bored as hell. I don't know how far away you guys live, but the offer's there. I'll be super bored this weekend since she'll be out of town from Thur to Monday. I need to do as much "guy Shit" (no homo :gay2:) as I can before she gets back.
  5. You still owe me a truck for the snowballing. Good luck with the sale.
  6. I missed the toes, as well. Then again, I don't have a foot fetish, either.
  7. That's the funny thing. I don't mind and even enjoy them when there's just a background chirp from mulitple crickets out in the world. But when there's just one or two REALLY fucking loud ones chirping away right by door or window when I'm watching some tv or trying to sleep gets annoying.
  8. I agree. This is what I got from this, as well. They were using it as a misleading example for their 'tuning prowess'. Not that they are or aren't capable of a good wrx tune. As I said, this is how I understood the context of the original post.
  9. I wish some people met real late night. Like after 10 at least, but up here near Delaware. Im up until at least till 3-5am bored as shit.
  10. I should be down for a Sat meet, for once.
  11. Hmm, something smells "shitty" in this thread.
  12. I use a good, long-lasting outdoor bug spray and spray the edges around the house and any cracks or spots, ie; around the planter by the front door, or anywhere I can hear them annoying me when I'[m downstairs. Seems to take care of the problem. I generally only care when I can hear them at the front door behind me while I'm watching tv. Other than that, catch a female and put her in a little trap to attract all the males. Not only are the males the noisy ones, but you have fishing bait, now.
  13. Being that they crashed, I would've assumed the driver was asian.
  14. A quick wash is all you need. You can buff it out later. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/CAr-wash-amazing_699744.htm
  15. My first thought is to stay with the GXP, but if you've modded a boosted car, you know how fun they can be. It seems to be producing very good power from down low, too, if you watched the second vid. Still wouldn't own one, though.
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    I've used RockAuto alot, too. I have had one problem once with a bad part tps that was ordered from there, though. I never tried returning it, however, because by the time I realized it, it'd been so long. Autozone is very hit or miss for me and usually last on my list of local retail shops. It's also across town from me, though, unlike the other stores.
  17. haha I like that description. Some of those stunts were pretty cool.
  18. Now, I know that's a damn lie cuz Matchbox sucked. It's all about the Hot Wheels.
  19. The sooner everyone dies, the sooner I get your stuff.
  20. Pretty funny, editing was well done. 2nd half is better than the first half.
  21. Nothing looks gently used about that prop unless he was using to mine with.
  22. Interested and in line. If I may ask, why don't you want anymore?
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