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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I think the pic with the evil leprachaun is from the movie, Leprechaun: In the Hood or they just photchopped the leprechaun into that pic. Here's a better one of the old one now explained. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Alzheimers.jpg
  2. I no longer drink. Stomach is shot and it took too much too get wasted. I mean, is there any other reason to drink?
  3. I liked rubbing up on the old lady.
  4. Umm... Neither of those descriptions matches my hands. Am I a hermaphrodite?
  5. I think most people do that. What's your best way to get the old fluid out? I used a big ass baster last time and filled it the same way you did; with a hose, except, I just held it.
  6. 70% chance. I need more food and weapons. Shouldn't be too hard as there's a Walmart about a mile away. They also didn't take into account my dogs. They'd save me from at least one situation before dying or becoming infected. Actually, I'd probably end up dying saving them.
  7. That fucking sucks. I already know I wouldn't have that self control. In HS, I watched a guy purposely swerve to hit my overdue (pregnant) Border Collie. I held her while she died. It was a dirt road, so I immediately hopped on my 3 wheeler and chased the guy with a rifle. I would've shot him if I'd caught him before the highway. There was no doubt in my mind. Little more info that on that story now that it's been drudged up from my memory. Same guy went to prison for shooting a man with a crossbow a few miles from my house a week later. This same guy got out of fuckin prison 3 or 4 yrs later. Found out he was related to some people my family had a feud with for years in a nearby town. I found and pounded the man like it was my fuckin job starting a decent size brawl between the two families. Local police did nothing. (Small town and some more background I won't get into here.)
  8. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/image011.jpg
  9. He's supposed to post up once he's set the date.
  10. Doc, if you're reading this, I'll drive the Century up for you if you wanna bring more than one car. Otherwise, I should be up there in my 20yr old bitch. She's not perfect, but I may actually give her a washing. Back bearing...
  11. I never liked many of his songs that were released on the radio or were real popular with the public. However, I've always found a few songs each album that were pretty good. It was a long time before I would even listen to him because all I had heard was the radio shit. Maybe it'll be the case this time, as well.
  12. You may have an out due to the manner in which the deal was made and the contract signed. People get out of contracts all the time. I would definitely contact a lawyer before it's all said and done. Call around, though and find a good one.
  13. Yes! Give me a few minutes and I can make anyone interested in ants. At least for a little while.
  14. I almost moved to Australia years ago. Recently, I almost moved to New Zealand for a job, as well. That was retracted/postponed due to the fuckin economy or I'd be posting from there, now. I blew it the first time (going to Aus), to what I can now admit to, due to a girl here. I was pretty young still. I was full of fail.
  15. I almost posted this yesterday. I found it interesting.
  16. As if I need another reason to move there. 40 per cent of Australian women wear a bra with a cup size DD or bigger Really, all the info you need is in the title. Blah, blah, blah, hormones, blah, blah, fatty foods, blah, blah, more facts and opinions, bigger bras. THere's the rest but here's the link for yourself. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,25290859-36398,00.html
  17. Red represents low-energy X-rays, the medium range is green, and the most energetic ones are colored blue. The blue hand-like structure was created by energy emanating from the nebula around they dying star PSR B1509-58. The red areas are from a neighboring gas cloud called RCW 89. http://a52.g.akamaitech.net/f/52/827/1d/www.space.com/images/090404-chandra-nebula-02.jpg
  18. Good thing I only have sex with women and horses. And did this kid really get a fuckin medal for this? lol http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/GayPlaque.jpg (Disclaimer: Yes, I know some of you have probably seen this pic. No, I don't care. Not unless your offended. Which makes you gay. Are you gay?)
  19. Many of you may not know that much like humans, some ant species raid and enslave other ants. Using previous raised slaves to tend the new slave brood and their own future slavers. It seems the slaves have evolved a new way to fight back. Read about the Rosa Parks of ants. (Ok, that last one might've been a bit much. lol) http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/2009/04/the_rebellion_of_the_ant_slaves.php
  20. Damn, I wanna live next door to that guy.
  21. "crapple" I don't want anybody else, when I think about you I ____ ______.
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