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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. You don't have a long parts grabber? Button on top you push down and a little 4 or 3 pronged grabber at the end opens? That thing (and my magnet parts grabber) has saved my ass a few times. One of these things. 902-25x http://www.hometech.com/hts/products/tools/hand_tools/grabbers/
  2. I would give her vagina a weiner kiss.
  3. Really nice pics, man. I need some like that of my car.
  4. You don't need a 1000fps pellet rifle to hunt small game. I use a Daisy Powerline 856 .177 caliber pump pellet rifle. I know it's under 1000fps, but I've killed rabbits and squirrels up to 25yards away with a single shot. That's not every once and awhile, but the norm. It's more the shooter than the velocity. It also has a rifled barrel. I am an excellent shot and it's a very accurate and cheap little rifle. I've had this pellet rifle for 8yrs. I just tore it down and cleaned it up in preparation for this season. Here's a decent airgun site I've browsed through before. http://www.airguns.net/
  5. ImUrOBGYN

    Team Output

    Do you read? I already spoke of this in this thread and it's the same guy. Get with the program. No, it was a flat black one, I believe.
  6. This was originally posted by JohnySupra on Supraforums. I do not know if they are only looking for Supras or not, however, I feel it would be worth it for you to call and find out for some free dyno time. There's still a few days left. ------- "If any one is interested. The University of Northwestern Ohio's High performance fuels Class, is looking for something exciting to put on a chassis Dyno. March 16-19, and 23-26 6:30pm-11:30 PM UNOH may acomodate a Vehicle for Dyno testing, as well as tuning. We're looking for some excitment on the dyno. We are particularly looking for something high horsepower. Preferably 500+ RWHP If your vehicle is equiped with a standalone or piggy back ECU and you plan on doing some tuning, this is prefered. However not required. UNOH is located in Lima Ohio. We Have a In ground Dynojet Dynomometer, and an above ground brake dyno. Both are equiped with Wide band O2 Monitors. Basicly we want to have some fun, and see somthing exciting run our dyno's. It is completly free other then your fuel costs to come. For more information or if you are interested in coming out feel free to send me a PM, if you PM me i will be more then happy to provide you with my phone number so we can discuss timing and dates. I will then confirm everything with the proper instructor. The dyno runs will be performed in a classroom enviroment. with a class of 20 students or less. My supra isn't done yet so someone come and show these guys what supra's are made out of."
  7. Well, Norm and I are heading to Doc's garage here in Delaware near the house in about 20min before later heading out for a little cruise near here. My phone number is above or if you have Doc's...
  8. Welcome. Now, go start the dishwasher you damn newb. Doc, this is the guy that was in my car with me Fri night. He's a very good friend of mine from Texas. We now have 2 cars with TX plates here at the house.
  9. Screw you, Rob. lol Well, we're just relaxing at the house. May go for a little cruise later near here on River Rd, etc. If anyone is interested, I live in South Delaware. 740/971-9673 Dirty phone calls are encouraged. If you don't know my name it's Christian. Ant, for $5 and a soda, I'll come fold your clothes in the nude. I'm poor.
  10. Anyone doing anything today? Any plans, getogethers, etc?
  11. ImUrOBGYN

    Team Output

    We dealth with these same guys last night. Immediately came up wanting to race. Well, not me, simply because I have a turbo Supra. $100, he says, until he finds out that each of us are turbod then he quickly changed his tune. I don't think we were there 5 minutes before getting bored and leaving.
  12. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/EpicFailGuy.jpg
  13. Was just wondering how long it would be before someone starts doing it on purpose. But actually landing it.
  14. I've expected just this from every damn town since the economy has gone down. I wouldn't be surprised if it became worse.
  15. I love greyhounds. Too many dogs here, already, though. Good luck.
  16. Hilarious http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/177108/Kid-Can-t-Figure-Out-How-To-Kick-Ball.html
  17. Low-energy light bulbs can cause rashes and swelling to sensitive skin, warn experts http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1161899/Low-energy-light-bulbs-cause-rashes-swelling-sensitive-skin-warn-experts.html
  18. This should open a whole new slew of studies... http://cbs13.com/watercooler/Paraplegic.Man.Suffers.2.958151.html
  19. This is a recipe for stomach ulcer ridden disaster. lol For me, anyway. I no longer drink as Im 35 but have the stomach of a 103yr old acid taster.
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