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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I didn't see it as a problem. But I'm a spic.
  2. Read about this yesterday. Pretty crazy. There is a draw to it. When I lived in Nevada, I would take off alone into the desert for a day or two at a time. I never stayed more than one night and two days alone, however. I've done the same thing in the mountains. Yes, it's dangerous and shit can happen, but you only live once and it's a great experience and escape from the norm.
  3. That was my belief. But it's awful convenient. I think they're hiding down there starting hurricanes.
  4. Yah, read this morning he was back to be not so sure. Said Wells was more sore than they expected. Of course, what did the think after having him practice both times in one day. I still wouldn't rule it out. I bet he's hoping USC focuses on other aspects other than the running game and then suprise them with Wells. I hope that's not it. I don't think Pete Carroll will fall for that.
  5. Yeah, I feel the same way. About McCan't and Pa-Lin, the Vietnamese prostitute. Seriously, she might as well be as far as I care.
  6. Ok, first link. Way to take it out of context. He said she was as qualified if not more, not that he thought she was a better pick. He was only defending her. Not sure what you're going for in the 2nd link. Are you upset because you feel Palin was "attacked"?
  7. Fuckin ouch! lol He should cock slap her later and then ask her if it smelled like Monica.
  8. It really looks like more of a reflex he hits her. I know that can happen. My sophomore year in hs, this bitch went off on me when I was talking to this other girl she was talking to. I didn't interrupt her, so I don't know what her problem was. I also lived not too far from her, and we knew each other pretty well, though we were only acquaintances. We yelled at each other and shit and then she attacked me not once, but twice. Each time I held her down and told her to stop, would let her back up and she'd attack me again. The 3rd time, she stood up and kicked me in the balls. Without any thought and as much as suprise to me as anyone, I popped her in the face and gave her a bloody nose. A senior came to 'visit' me later in English class only to back off when he saw it was me; knowing I wasn't the type. In summary, shit happens.
  9. Not known as very good cars. Many quality problems, etc. However, that is a suprisingly low milage example. Kinda hard to say without pics, etc, but probably along the lines of what's already been said here.
  10. What does help is that Illinois played a different USC team. They've lost many starters and have a quarterback who's starting his first season and a sophomore offensive line. If they can't stop them from scoring, I don't think OSU will be going to the 'big game' this year. Also, Tressel said Wells would play this week unless he's changed his mind in the last day or so. Sorry guys, either way, I was born a USC fan. GO USC! I'll go back to rooting for the bucks afterward. Until they play Illinois. Then the gf demands I root for Illinois.
  11. Welcome. Nice rides. Stingray has always held a place in my heart. (Would beat someone's grandma for a '63 split window.) Speakng of grandmother's, I have quite a bit of family in South Carolina from my mom's mom's side:)
  12. Here's my semi-pet Mantis. It's lived in the same place in my yard for quite some time. I visit her all the time. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1320.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1321.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1322.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1323.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1324.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1325.jpg Here's the bonus pic of a skunk at my house a few days ago. This was about 3am. Only decent pic I could get due to no light everywhere else. At one point, I actually had to run away from it for a short ways when it charged me. They're always fun as long as you're careful. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/IMG_1317.jpg
  13. My old kitchen fridge. I believe it's about 16-16.5cu ft. Freezer and fridge work great. You can actually freeze things in the refridgerator section if you're not careful with the control. Shelving is shoddy, however. Comes with free can of diet Dr. Pepper to hold up one of the shelves. $25 Come get it.
  14. A good "bro" could've saved him from doing this to himself and it would've probably been alot less painful. "An alleged thief had to be rushed to a local East London hospital on Wednesday night after being impaled while attempting to run away from a crime scene." http://www.dispatch.co.za/article.aspx?id=245347
  15. Welcome. Be prepared for your "initiation". It can be pretty rough.
  16. Does that work? I do not enjoy being poor. ... ... Nope. Still sucks.
  17. ImUrOBGYN

    Dear Mr. Obama

    Give me a "M"! Give me an "E"! Give me a "H"! What does that spell?! meh.
  18. I've had two cats that were super hardcore fetchers; self-taught. One loved using a rabbit's foot, the other a soft toy mouse. The rabbit's foot cat would even jump into the front window by the door when someone would knock, growling and behaving like a dog when he didn't recognize them.
  19. Haha, pretty funny. Hey, Thorne. Finish me. lol
  20. I don't think it actually means the world will physcially end. Maybe just the world as we currently know it.
  21. Ok, I getcha. Hmm, hadn't thought about that. You think it's easier or harder?
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