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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Triple beginning.... now. Has anyone else seen this hilariously racially stereotyped commercial presented by the Corn Syrup... fuck, I dunno, Producers Group/Org/fucking whatever? lol I saw this last night for the first time. I was cracking up up at the racial portion and the fact I don't believe a fuckin thing they're saying about corn sryup (My opinion. I am not a professional.) Anyway, thought it'd be good for this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEbRxTOyGf0
  2. ImUrOBGYN


    So... how bout next week? In another very short football thread, I think Ben mentioned that Troy actually managed over 700 yards of offense. Even against a shitty team, that's impressive. Honestly, I don't think Wells would've made a big difference in the USC game. Does anyone know if he'll be playing against Troy? And does anyone else realize how many OSU fans are actually worried about this game, however minor the worry may be? Disappointing, but there's alot of season left. Hell, I'm sure USC will lose to the scrubbiest team in the PAC 10 right at the end of the season. Fuck, that always kills me. By the way, I believe USC plays OSU next year, too. I think I'll watch that game alone as all my company left at the end of the 3rd period on Sat. I wasn't even rubbing it in. I was genuinely disappointed at how the game turned out.
  3. I really have no response for this. Well, one. But it's really crude. Other than that, I got nothing. Though, if I'm Jewish now, why don't I feel any richer?
  4. Wtf And my faith in humanity wanes just a bit more...
  5. Then you're a goddamn cheater! lol I can't ever hear the word Minnesota, without saying it, hmm, well, like Minnesotans, Minnesotaons, Minnesotaans, whatever you call yourselves. How you guys say it. lol.
  6. You should worry more about growing your 'other' muscle.
  7. Never figured it would be that bad. Live and learn. At least a few other people may learn from this. Sometimes it takes seeing some nasty results for you to understand how serious something is. Should be back together in time for me to at least have a bit of fun. It's been WAAAYYYY too long. My car is my 'escape' and my head is about to explode.
  8. Was pretty suprised how well it picked me. I've lived in quite a few different places, Texas and California being the states I've spent the most time in. It's funny, my gf and I were just talking about accents yesterday and I we both commented how I have verbal tendencies from different areas of the US. Then, I happened to come across this real quick, yet interesting test. I was very careful how I answered each one and put some thought into it. http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_american_accent_do_you_have Here's mine. "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. I didn't get the chart on here but my West and South bars were much higher than the rest.
  9. "The Church of England is to apologise to Charles Darwin for its initial rejection of his theories, nearly 150 years after he published his most famous work." http://www.phenomenica.com/2008/09/charles-darwin-to-receive-apology.html
  10. A good read that feels all to true. "The more I've been thinking about the current presidential race, the more I'm realizing that Obama isn't going to win. Come November, John McCain will win the white house and America will still not learn its lesson. This was our year Dems. After the last 8 years of Bush, we democrats were licking our chops at the chance to retake the white house. The mid-term elections came and we re-took control of congress. America had had enough of this administration and they were exercising their voice. Things were looking great. We're still going to lose, and there's really nothing we can do about it. As long as McCain and Palin are allowed to outright lie and change whatever facts they want, the Democrats can't win. But we're winning you say. Recent polls show that Obama has a few point lead on McCain. That's the problem. How can it only be a few points? I just don't see it. Looking at all the newspaper articles, senate voting records, and candidate speeches, how can this race even be close? It doesn't make sense. McCain is an echo of George Bush - the current president who has a measly 30% approval rating. That explains 30% of McCain's votes, but what about the other 20%? What the hell are these people thinking? Do they want 4 more years of this crap? Palin is a creationist who is against all forms of birth control, yet she's being hailed as a step forward for women. Are you serious? A woman in the white house is great, but her views serve merely to further repress woman's rights. The anti-abortionist Palin said it was her daughter's choice to keep the baby. Bristol gets a choice, but the rest of America shouldn't? Makes sense to me. McCain is pro business and pro Bush. Put some tights on him and he'd be the perfect sidekick. One need only look at his voting record (when he managed to actually vote - McCain missed more senate votes than any other senator) to see that he voted with Bush over 90% of the time. He calls himself a war hero, often touting that he's more experienced to manage the Iraq war. I don't see how he can even mention the Iraq war though, having only voted in 4 of the last 14 senate measures concerning it. How well do you think he'll handle a war that he's too busy campaigning to even vote on? I'm also not too sure about the usage of "hero" here. A "hero" is somebody who saves lives. McCain got shot down and captured. It seems to me that all he did was endanger more lives by failing in his mission. Failure doesn't make you a Hero. It just makes you a veteran like every other soldier. Either way, military service doesn't really matter to me when it comes to being president. What matters to me is technology, business, innovation, and the economy - all of which McCain fails to understand. He's pro patents, pro DRM, anti net neutrality, hates economists, and is in favor of regulating the internet. This is the man who introduced a bill that would require websites to be held criminally responsible for the comments on their sites. This is a man who rallied against the GI bill, voted against social security, and against raising the minimum wage. This is a man who completely changed his position on everything as soon as he was upgraded from senator McCain to candidate McCain. While the senator spoke out against drilling in America, the candidate urges that we do it. The Senator voted against the Bush tax cuts, but the Candidate wants to make them permanent. This is the senator who once responded to a letter I sent him with "We're sorry but Senator McCain doesn't have the time to address the concerns of those outside of his voting district." Senator McCain only cared about Senator McCain, what do you think Candidate McCain's main priority is? You've probably seen the McCain ad where he bashes the bridge to nowhere, bear DNA program, and woodstock museum as "pork barrel spending". Were you also aware that McCain actually voted in favor of the DNA program, and wasn't even present for the votes on the bridge or Woodstock museum? Last time I checked, "doing nothing" didn't count as "taking a stand against wasteful spending." Speaking of spending, if I have to hear Palin talk about putting the state plane on eBay one more time I'm going to start pulling out hair. WHy has this been in every one of her speeches? Sure, she put the plane on eBay, great. But guess what? It wasn't her idea - it was state policy made almost a year before she took office. Furthermore, it didn't sell on eBay. It sold through a broker after sitting on the auction site for 2 months and costing the state over $60,000 in payments on the plane and listing fees. The would have saved that money had they simply gone through a broker in the first place. Sure, she fought against the bridge to nowhere project, but that didn't stop her from requesting $453 million in other earmarks. That's almost $800 per person living in Alaska. That's a lot of lies, but despite all those McCain will still win the election. It has nothing to do with Obama being black, or Muslim (by the way, he's actually Christian.) It has nothing to do with any of that. When Americans go into the polls, they're going to vote based on the lies they've heard on TV - and as long as McCain and Palin are allowed to say whatever they want, people will believe them. Others will vote along the party line like they've been doing since they voted for Eisenhower - having never noticed the changes in the parties since Nixon. Doing the research is more than most Americans can be bothered with. After all, I could spend a few hours researching the actual facts about the election, but then I'd miss tonight's episode of Prison Break on Fox. America didn't learn its lesson the last 4 years, and we're not going to learn it the next four either." HockeyGod via Shoutwire
  11. The car originally had green in it. I kept it that way for a long time, but have used Toyota red for a long time now along with distilled water. I've never directly mixed the two kinds of coolants and when it was switched, it was completely flushed. Or it at least seemed to be when I did it.
  12. You're goddamned right. lol My back and shoulders are full of knots. Stressed out.
  13. That's the perfect reason to base a vote on. Yes, I know that's truly not you're only reason.
  14. Holy shit. Talk about threading the needle. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Real-Stupid-or-Real-Pro_182234.htm
  15. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Ford-Mustang-with-Aston_157206.htm?Ref=Blog
  16. I live in South Delaware. Around 42 and 23. You must mean south of Delaware? Power never even so much as flickered here.
  17. Alright, alright. My engine was replaced by red x's. I see. I fix. Be back in a minutes or two.
  18. I think I know what's wrong with my car. Pictures of my head. No idea why it's become so corroded. Pretty unusual. If you're curious about the red fluid, it's just Toyota red coolant.) http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Car/SupraHead1.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Car/SupraHead2.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Car/SupraHead3.jpg
  19. No problems here in South Delaware. I have so much stuff on and running, I don't even know how to waste my time.
  20. ImUrOBGYN


    Winds strong here, but I wonder if it's not helping being in a valley (Delaware). We lost a couple small pieces of siding near the attic vent. Not sure on the shingles, but from what I could see, we're fine. 90% of the homes on my block will need some amount of reshingling. Next door neighbors lost their flag pole, too. My best friend, Norm, lives in Houston. He needs some roofing and a new backyard fence, but other than that, not too bad where he lives.
  21. Pretty cool. Too bad I can't afford one of myself and Titan.
  22. I'm probably the only one here who's a USC fan and even I was a bit disappointed. Especially, since all our company left at the end of the 3rd quarter due to being buckeye fans. They couldn't handle my trojan helmet, cape and sword costume I was wearing. Which, against better judgement, my gf dared me into going into public with it on. Needless to say, one of my neighbors chased me back to the garage with a hose. lol Seriously, though. Tressell's great and all; he has an incredible record, etc. BUt at some point, if the man can't win the big games, what difference does it make? It looked like he was really gonna try to mix it up at first, but then it seemed he just got scared and went back to the same shit. C'mon OSU. I may've not been rooting for them this game, but I'd like to the rest of the season.
  23. Gets pretty interesting part way down. http://www.michiganmessenger.com/4076/lose-your-house-lose-your-vote
  24. This has the makings of a long, funny thread. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3159/2807838577_83cbed0126_o.jpg
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