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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. No, you got it right the first time. LFC = Large Fucking Collider Now, let's get on with smashing shit! Been waiting for this crap since high school!
  2. I guess it's all a matter of perception. And yours is wrong. lol
  3. Never had one, really like the old z's though the 300zx still looks good to this day. I've know a few people with everything from a n/a to a highly modified turbo. I've heard the all the same things that have been said in this thread, as well.
  4. She's trying to get the Fast & Furious vote for McCain!
  5. Ew, you used the "M" word. You're starting down a slippery slope there. What are morals, exactly? What is your definition and do you think it matches everyone elses? Of course, I don't mean the obvious ones, ie; shouldn't murder, shouldn't steal, those excepted the world over; those things that would harm another person. One of the problems we have today is based on this inability for moral objectiveness. Who decides who's morals are right? Beliefs vary greatly from country to country, culture to culture, person to person. We already have so many laws, etc that incroach on others beliefs. What more do you want to add to control us as a people? What are these extra moral beliefs you feel so strongly about that you feel this person is so much more qualified? I can really get into the morality debate, but since this is CR, I've already reached my maximum of two paragraphs.
  6. Did you actually read the article? Nowhere in there did I see anything that he did wrong. He supports stem cell research (which everyone thinks they know everything about) and questioned why, if the Republicans want so badly to help those who can be helped so greatly by the research, are they not supporting it or even talking about it. So, instead of speaking on the issue, they whined that they were being attacked with a "low blow" twisting things around and dodging the issue.
  7. Myself, being one of the most curious people I know, cannot even fathom this thought process. I'm not busting your balls, I'm being serious. I really don't even know where to start.
  8. You don't understand the "cat found" poster? That's not a cat in the picture. That's kinda the joke.
  9. Salar de Uyuni - Bolivian Salt Lake and islands and the train graveyards of the same area. "The Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni is perhaps one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. A magnificent area with an impressive Salt Desert (the world's largest), active volcanoes, tall cacti islands and geyser flats, it exists like an alien mirage, something completely out-of-this-world..." http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2006/11/fantastic-landscapes-of-bolivian-salt_27.html -------------------------------------------------------------- The Richat Structure: The Eye of the Earth Spectacular formation remains a puzzle "The Richat Structure, Oudane, Mauritania, is not really a structure but a huge circular formation (50 km in diameter - 30 miles), that resembles an eye when looked upon from space. Originally thought to be a crater, this volcanic dome is most likely a product of erosion, an ancient geological artifact in the middle of featureless Maur Adrar desert, in Africa's Western Sahara. The earliest space missions used it as a landmark, the adventurous 4x4 enthusiasts consider it to be their playground, and scientists are still debating its origin." (Pics including Google Map coordinates.) http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/09/richat-structure-eye-of-earth_12.html -------------------------------------------------------------- The most alien-looking place on Earth. Socotra Island: You have to see it to believe it. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/09/most-alien-looking-place-on-earth.html
  10. Funny/fucked up video of a foreign gameshow (in English) that ends in a beatdown. I've got some mixed feelings on this one. http://humorblogshots.7dayshootout.com/good-laugh/slap-watch-slapped/
  11. ImUrOBGYN

    Free Dog

    Impressive dogs. I had one years and years ago. Good dogs as long as the breeding isn't weak. Excellent guard dogs without being vicious. At least that's how it should be. You know some people... Good luck. Good thing he found someone to help.
  12. I love Bassett Hounds. Just great temperments and well, look at them! Good luck, I hope you find him a good home. I need an animal sanctuary.
  13. This is a series of advertisements created by various auto manufacturers in response to one another. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/BMWAudi.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/AudiBMW.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Sub-BMWAudi.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Bentley.jpg
  14. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/ShootFirst.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/cat_found.gif http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/99Probs.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Racism.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/SpeedOfLight.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/religion.jpg Don't know why this one always gets me. I guess it reminds me of myself. I was a little perv when I was younger and always had a huge one for older women. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/fuckedyourmother.jpg I watched this vid so many times the first time I saw it. I just couldn't stop laughing. You can see him really stretch it there at the apex as I believe he realizes he's seriously miscalculated.
  15. I didn't say they'd beat USC. I said it was their best chance however big or small that may be. On a serious note, I did say that they (OSU) couldn't afford to get behind due to USC's defense in a previous post.
  16. I think this is OSU's best chance to beat USC and I'm a USC fan. lol I hope your team feels more confident than their fans.
  17. I'll still be excited only in a "Holy shit!" kinda way. About 3 rappers and a Mr. T's worth.
  18. I haven't had a chance to play it much. Saving it for Wed evening when I goto the vet. I'm always freakin there for at least two hours. Are you using your arrow keys or your number keys to move? At least with the #keys, you can move diagonally but they're spread so far apart. I found out when you're close enough to a creature, it auto targets. At that point, you can hit "Ok" or "5" and your creature will chase down the target and it eat automatically.
  19. That's one of the biggest draws for me. My senior yr in HS, I was taking College English and we had to write a paper on somewhere we had never been before. Even if it was a gas station bathroom. I decided to enter the city's sewage system (water drain off, not the "poop" sewers lol) from an opening along a creek just outside of town. I had seen some strange things occasionally come out into the creek as I took the dog's down there pretty often. So, of I went to the city to get the plans for their water drainage system. Anyway, long story short, I entered said pipe with flashlight and a bit of equipment (first with a friend who backed out a ways in, then later on my own. I know, not smart but fuck it, you only live once.) What I found was a large area that had fallen apart creating a small cave like area and pool. One of the fish I found was not a naturally occurring cave specie yet had lost almost all pigmentation and use of it's eyes. It's particular changes could not have occurred in a single generation, hell, it would take many generations! Anyway, I never told the city what I found. I wrote my paper, received an A and a lot of questions, and kept it my little secret for the most part. On a sidenote, I used those same water sewage plans/map to help myself and two friends escape from the police and a helicopter after getting into a huge brawl at Putt Putt Golf and Games. lol That's a whole 'nother story, though. Speaking of bugs, I caught a pretty cool centipede yesterday and took some pics of a sizable praying mantis by my back door. I should post them later if they came out ok.
  20. I'm really not much for onions and the last couple times I went, my stomach couldn't digest all the cardboard. No more white castle for me.
  21. I consider myself independent. I don't give two fucks and a shit about Repub this or Demo that. I do now I WILL NOT be voting for that old fuck or his ridiculous choice for VP. That alone was enough to finalize my decision.
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