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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. http://www.streetfire.net/video/AMAZING-RECOVERY_175339.htm?Ref=Blog
  2. They're there for a reason. Go ahead and pack a couple seasons worth of dirt around it. It's a hydraulic machine with close tolerances that uses grease/oil for it function properly. What's the damn near opposite of lube? Fuckin sand and dirt! Tell you what. Look. Here's an excellent analogy for you. Imagine a shock is like sex. Just the thrusting part. Now, you're on the beach banging your girl and you get sand on your penor. What will that do to your skin? Your gf's? Do you think it helps? (You answer "No" to this. Freak.) Does it improve motion? If someone forced you to keep going, what do you think it will do over the longterm? It's going to permanently score your penor and affect it's future performance, as well. Even causing it to fail before it's time. But here's the catch, they don't make viagra and for shocks. But they do make condoms for them. They're called dust boots.
  3. I'd like to add one more thing. I don't recall who all was involved in this guy's earlier intro fiasco (which I've just realized I'm helping to create again ), but I do know that Hal deserves NO PROPS for knowing what was going in here. How in the hell would he not know? lol
  4. Oh, I figured it out later. But apparently, you guys FAIL at understanding there is more than one way to read CR. For example. (since you FAIL), when I first arrive on the CR forum homepage, I click the "New Post" link. This gives me a list of every thread recently created or posted within in a particular order. It gave me this thread first. So, I "WTF'd" in confusion and moved on, confident I would find out later. And I did, but not until a few threads later. I pay attention, I just pay you no mind.
  5. Sucks when things like that happen. For both the cat and the dog, of course. It's just the nature of things.
  6. Now he just needs some fake business sign on the side. Bob's Super-Fast Plumbing Stan's Speedy Septic Saviour Unfortunately, no witty, subject related name comes to mind. A little unusual for me, but I have faith in others here to come up with one. Maybe a big picture of PedoBear where the windows would normally be. Maybe, an inscription by the bear that says, "Taking 'em faster than you can make 'em" and a small sign by the sliding door that simply says, "Candy Inside."
  7. Was having these same thoughts when i got to your post. lol Rick was kind enough to answer one of them already. I don't think the chance of failure is as big as you think Rick. They've built similar "contraptions" already. This is just a bigger version. And people stop worrying about it swallowing us when it turns on. It'll take at least until 2012 before it does that. It won't be a black hole. It'll be a rip into an alternate dimension releasing what some would consider "Hell" onto Earth. Fiery chariots will appear to save some of us. They won't be angels, though. It'll be aliens. Bi-curious aliens with large, very large spikey penis's.. peni... penis'. You get the point.
  8. lol nice. Aw shit, I just realized I never posted my 20 because I never saved it! Might have to redo it later.
  9. Good thing the kids were all dropped off. Glad you're ok. Sucks about the car. Aren't those things supposed to be for offroad?
  10. I've been waiting for years. I hope it's not too anti-climatic.
  11. I kid, of course. Welcome.
  12. Mine is boring. I detest clutter and inefficiency. The last two icons are temporary. No background. It is better for performance. "How much performance could that possibly give you?", you say. Does it matter? http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Desktop.jpg
  13. I thought all girls see in pink anyway? I learned something today.
  14. So, you're a streaker?
  15. I originally had what I thought was a really cool design. But it could never make it to the top. 8 wheels and, well, it'd be really f'n hard to explain it here, but even though it didn't work, I felt it was still ingenious. I wittled my way down to that and really didn't expect it to work. Then it dawned on me...
  16. Here are a couple more of mine from earlier today. 15 Down Under http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=250996 18 Tube http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=251325 Now, give me rep for simplest design, yet. I know it's not the simplest level 19, but it's probably the simplest 18.
  17. The center of your front lower airdam looks like it needs to be pulled out a bit. Also, I actually kinda like the raised, white lettering on the tires with that car. Oh, you meant the picture itself. Umm. The background it too light for the car and the last one is a bit too bright or too much exposure or some damn "picture-taking" phrase.
  18. Rear's good. Stripes aren't bad. Definitely not for me and the Supra, though.
  19. That's pretty good. Mine was pretty simple though not as simple as that. I posted it earlier.
  20. So far, I've heard teh movie is pretty funny.
  21. Wait. What?! So, he got pissed because his friend bought him 1 too many cheeseburgers?! Why do I feel like there's more to it than that? Fuck, I hope there's more to it than that.
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