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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. You would probably have to come all the way up here to Delaware. I do have other forms of entertainment if need be once I've stopped you from purposely blowing up my car in anger. I've considered it myself here recently. No "bro rape", however. Sorry to disappoint. Seriously, if you have a day this week or weekend (as I'm stuck at home) and would like to shoot up here, just let me know. I'll be bored as hell. You don't even have to look at the car. lol
  2. I believe I know this Joe you speak of. Is his name Joe on here? Or something like that?
  3. Due to car related stress and a few other crucial problems in my life, I'm unable to deal with some things anymore and my gf has pretty much demanded I get someone to fix the supra to at least solve one of the problems. At this point, the only shop I know of that has alot of Supra experience is Accelerated Performance in Toledo, Ohio. According to Jaime both owners have owned MKIII's and one of them actually prefers them. Are there any others in Ohio who've had a lot of Supra experience, especially 7M experience, that aren't ridiculously priced or take a year before I commit? Thanks.
  4. As long as they're getting real driving improvements and it's not a gimmick. Could prove interesting as many people don't really know how their driving habits affect their milage, etc.
  5. I was awake, but I'm usually watching some adult swim at that time and playing a game on the lappy. I'm used to assuming nobody else is up when I am.
  6. Since when does the color of your skin dictate your race? Just because you have dark skin doesn't make you "black". Also, CR is filled with cliques, as well. What's new? And Thorne, I'm betting if you'd actually been trying to spell "phoenix", it would've looked like this. Feenix. Somehow, you've managed to spell a word correctly while not spelling a word correctly. I think you just caught my laptop on fir....
  7. I've had mine do it before. But only rarely. Pretty cool storm last night.
  8. ImUrOBGYN


    Welcome. :leghump: HAHA! Take that! Wait... Damn, that was Anthony's leg. Uh, sorry, bro.
  9. It's pretty good. The hosts are nowhere near as funny as MXC's, though. IMO
  10. ImUrOBGYN

    Stolen Quad on CL

    +2 for The Thinking Man.
  11. Anything to do with the Toyota Supra Turbo-A?
  12. Here's a couple more from earlier today. 11 Mission to Mars http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=228114 14 Four Balls http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=228802 I was pretty suprised how easy these ended up being.
  13. Didn't feel like signing up before so I never saved any of my levels until now. I've got about 3 lvls I need to finish becuz they looked like they may take a few minutes to figure out. Here are 3 I hadn't completed until after I signed up. I'm signed up now, so here you go. (First one was already posted above.) 13 Big Ball http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=209112 17 Handling http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=221907 19 Band and Forth http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=222468
  14. There's been a few different versions. There's also another one I've played before. It involved alot of balls of various sizes, electric swithches and the like. Can't remember what is was called. But the storyline was you working or apprenticing a scientist who taught you shit or something.
  15. ImUrOBGYN

    Dear Hal,

    OMG, go back to being an ass. Who switched him with a pod person? I'm too lazy to read through this whole thread and cannot stand witness to this perverse personality/persona pendulum. powerfully poignant poop platter playful puppy peeing plentifully prizewinning puertorican plans party omg I can't stop, now.
  16. I have Spanish. I think I gave my Japanese CD to someone else. I liked it.
  17. Saw some people having a hard time with lvl 13. Just so happens it's one I saved. This deserves the award for Most "Suggestive". I'm sure you'll get the joke after watching it "thrust" it's way thru. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=209112
  18. That dog's definitely having a blast. I had heard the people kept thinking that someone was coming and swimming in their pool until they finally caught the dog doing it all. My dog, Titan, loves hitting the slides at parks but I've never taken him to a water slide. It would have to be a slide into a river or other body of water as he doesn't like pools.
  19. Ok, it seems it could be a water vole. Digging around, I found someone else who thinks the same. THey're even known to lose their hair and thin out by the second winter and die. This specimen seems to big, but it could be due to bloat. However, water voles are thought only to live in the nw of the US and the sw of Canada. The skulls are vaguely similar with a beak like protrusion when the flesh is removed. It's hard to see in the pic to be sure, though. If it's real, I'm sure someone will find and test it.
  20. Wait, wait. Didn't think I'd forget to explain why it doesn't have wings do you? Like many some species of insects, the female is flightless.
  21. Or maybe it's just a griffin with mange.
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