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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. hahaha *"Lion King" theme music playing in the background...* (Sing it) It's the circle of theft! Ok, that was corny, but I did it anyway.
  2. ImUrOBGYN


    Who's talking shit, motherfuckers?!
  3. This number, ***-**** just doesn't seem to work.
  4. That's ridiculous. The city will get sued and that guy will be fired. It sounds like an excuse to profile and harass people.
  5. Nobody? Nobody here has ever rebuilt a harness? Im dying here. Well... "Bump"
  6. That is a sweet kb. But $1800 sweet? Hellllll no.
  7. I get turned on by alot of stuff, but that's just fuckin gross. lol
  8. Looks kinda like "Stick it". lol
  9. Awesome. Kinda off-topic: Jamie, does Accelerated handle MKIII's? Are they pretty good on price? If I can't figure out my current problem, I may be taking it to a shop and want one very familiar with Supras. Thanks.
  10. I think it's more of a case of easy prey. We're soft and spongy. Plus, they realize they don't have to fear us anymore when we're so easy to eat. Still a sad story for the lion. The guy knew what chance he was taking.
  11. Soooo... punch Paul if I'm wrong, but I feel like someone thinks you're a snitch? Plz pm me with details. I don't gossip, but I like to tell things to people who do. So, make it quick if I'm wrong.
  12. I've enjoyed mine, so far. I'm playing it rigghhhtttt.... Now. :burn:
  13. No facebook here. So no worky. I do remember something very similar to this a long time ago. Just can't remember what it was. Wasn't facebook related, though.
  14. Hey all. I'm in the process of rebuilding the harness that plugs into my AFM (Air Flow Meter). However, I can't seem to find anyplace that sales harness pins (including Toyota here in Delaware, Advanced Auto, AutoZone, and I called Radio Shack but I think I'll have to go look myself). Anyone ever have a place they've purchased some from or have any ideas? Thanks. For an 89 Supra Turbo, if that helps.
  15. We used to have a portable tree, as well, in our group out in Bryan/College Station, TX. I like the second camera view in the vid.
  16. lol Was gonna post this when I first saw it this morning. I have a feeling that could turn real bad, real f'n quick, though. lol
  17. Points, a fine, a temp suspension if the judge is a real dick. Hard to say since it's in Virginia. You won't goto jail, so, eh.. You may be able to work out some community service in lieu of fines and/or suspension. Welcome, btw. Edit: Had to do it. http://www.allfordmustangs.com/photopost/data/3243/Lambo-Doors-So-Played-Out.jpg
  18. I think he's merely stating that some of us were old enough to experience the street scene before it took a 'turn', so to speak. For example, when you were born, I was near graduating from high school. I'll be 35 this year. By that age, I had already experienced a few forms of motorsport thanks to my family and my own interest. I had already been driving for some time (obviously, illegaly ) and had learned what the street racing scene was like. Not just in one place, but everything from small hick towns to living in Souther Cali. Things have changed alot since then, since I was 19. A WHOLE FUCKING LOT! And due to your age, you cannot possibly know from experience. I'm sure he did not mean it as an insult to anyone's age. He just means some of us are becoming old farts; old enough farts so that we can finally begin the "Age of Reminiscence".
  19. ImUrOBGYN

    WTH Rampage!!

    Man, that's disappointing.
  20. For us it must always be below the waist. That's the challenge; sitting or not. Now, you wanna hear some crazy slug bug rules...
  21. ImUrOBGYN

    Beer here

    I left that there. And it's not Mexican. Uhh, well... it's not beer, either.
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