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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Shit, was just out that way on Sunday. I really feel like I remember even seeing this car. No number, though. I mean, I do have a photographic memory but it only seems to work for booooobiez.
  2. lol Was that on the news or something? Where at in Delaware? There's only a couple good spots for that speed here.
  3. Cuz poor people don't have transportation or gas.
  4. lol Yeah, he didn't die in that vid. I saw more on this some time back.
  5. Ouch. For both him and the Jeep.
  6. ImUrOBGYN


    There's no real rice shortage and only Sam's Club is limiting the purchases of 40# bags of rice to 2 bags. I don't even think I'd use one fuckin 40lb bag let alone 2. I'm gonna strap one on the back/bottom of my car and poke a small hole in it and drive around town. You know, so I can find my way back later. Also, ND2RACE, the fact that it takes so much other energy sources, ie, oil/gas to make E85 and yet is still be pushed, is simple, imo. Oil companies control, yet the public is in an upheaval with fuel prices, global warming, etc. So, they still have to make money and yet quell the masses. Solution? An 'alternative' fuel source that still makes them lots of money. THen you have, for lack of a better term, "farm/corn interest" groups. But guess what, these aren't your local ma and pa farmers. Those hardly exist anymore. It's about big corporate owned farms (they own many of the little guys, too.) Also, the government sucks up farms that can no longer make it on their own or say, "Hey, here's some money, but grow what we want." And guess who's pockets they have their hands in? Big oil. Really, it goes so much further than this, but as was said, who really, truly knows the whole story but those involved? And do they even know the whole story? It's all a big cluster fuck.
  7. "I'm sick of these fuckin kids! What are we going to do?" "Well, little Timmy's birthday is coming up. I know! We should get a bear!"
  8. That's because you're just your typical paranoid cracker. lol I've had a knife and gun to me more than once, been cut, been shot, had my house broken into with me in it, car stolen, jumped by mulitiple people - the list goes on and on. Granted, I've been that person some people may be afraid of, too, but I could still never react like some of you. I don't live my life in fear. Being that jumpy will only get you and/or someone else hurt for no good reason. Maybe she saw your light on? Maybe she knows you stay up late. Oh holy shit!! She's your fuckin neighbor. Being she's not a paranoid, gun toting, crazy (lol, j/k on the last one), maybe she thought she was just trying to be a friendly neighbor. My roomate left the keys outside with my housekeys and car keys in some apt in Santa Ana and a few days later someone tried to come into my house (seperate from the time someone else actually broke in) and then a couple days later, my car was stolen with those same keys. Granted, she should've couldv'e waited, but wouldn't you want to know where your keys were in the before school, work or whatever in the morning? Long story short, get some wet naps for the sand and chill the hell out. lol
  9. They're dishwasher save and microwavable.
  10. It's cool. Anything big and turbod is, but it's not exactly a Supra anymore.
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    I think I paid $3.94 there Fri night. I did not fill up.
  12. Second vid - Last part of the vid was f'n hilarious.
  13. Well, with Thorne working days, now. I guess he's a convert. I also haven't been to sleep before 6am in almost 2wks now. Shit, I've been up since 830am today. I think I'm gonna die. :bs:
  14. I believe this man is correct. If the door isn't sagging, etc it's probably the check strap. Does it always pop in the same place(s)?
  15. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/BMWAudi.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/AudiBMW.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Sub-BMWAudi.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Bentley.jpg
  16. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/NintendoCar.jpg
  17. You guys are crazy. I saved my money and wear and tear so when everyone got back with their times, I could just race them. J/K Good timeslips, guys. Can't wait to see everyone else's.
  18. I completely agree with you here.
  19. Been reading about this for a bit. You all are idiots. It's Godzeera. He's awakening and he's sick of your shit.
  20. Series of pics of above mentioned home. Just click Next at the top to continue. http://www.tcpalm.com/photos/galleries/2008/apr/28/filthy-fort-pierce-home-april-28-2008/1805/
  21. Most airports I've been to do not let people wait for others or leave their cars in the pickup area. If for nothing else, because everyone would want to park there and clutter it up. For the airport here in Cbus, I just drive through the parking area and then immediately turn left, wait at the stop sign until someone's behind me, and drive thru it again. Went through their like 10times last time. "Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament!" <--(Guess the reference. )
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