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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Oh yeah, it could be a velociraptor. Of course, it could be anything! But what the fuck does it look like to you?
  2. I found the following pic here: http://www.whitehouse.gov See if you can figure out what's caught my attention in this pic. So, I can only assume this is legit. I have also saved a copy as I have a feeling it won't be up long. http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/photoessays/outdoors/06.html Guess you can't link. I'll host. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/DickCheney-legit.jpg "Vice President Dick Cheney spends an afternoon fly-fishing on the Snake River in Idaho."
  3. I believe an ordinary commute. Good thing they're generally 'little' people. I'd have to buy 3 tickets. I sure would hate being a woman on that train.
  4. Was supposed to go last summer. I'm jealous. Maybe, this year.
  5. Step1 Work for genetics lab. Step2 Date immediate boss. Step3 Quit to save bosses job. Step4 Boss, now girlfriend, offers to take care of you since you quit. Step5 Take time finding job that you like while be provided for. (Of course, if you have pride, it will get in the way. )
  6. Not as dirty as it may sound. "Think These Japanese Subway Workers Saw This In Their Job Description?" (Video may take a bit to load.) http://watcha3.blogspot.com/2008/04/think-these-japanese-subway-workers-saw.html Holy crap!
  7. Yeah, that's crazy. I know further up someone commented about it being selfish. Maybe this bitch has a habit of driving her mates to it?
  8. First, this is a lie as you have no friends. Second, as soon as I saw you wanted to ride, I ran out and bought this handlebar moustache. Which leaves only one question. Moustache on... or off. http://www.costumesofnashua.com/CNWebSite105/Active905/Pages/BeardsMoustache/PicBeard/Ldhandlebar.jpg Too bad.
  9. Towel Headed Mother Fucker - "I can't believe those Christians think they will live in a city w/streets of gold and sing for eternity behind some pearly gates." His friend - "Don't they grow wings, too or something?" THMF - "Really?! Well, those bible thumping mother fuckers believe it."
  10. 1. Fuck you, too. 2. Looking forward to seeing that TBSS run. 3. num num num
  11. I've lost a few animals over the years. They're not pets to me, they're family members. And as far as the neighbors and their dogs go, it's not the Doberman's fault. You could blame the owners, but then you've shown you have no aptitude for reading comprehension as he said his dog went on THE NEIGHBORS property. It fuckin sucks his dog was attacked on top of everything else, but like the man said, it all happened so fast.
  12. Man kills self 12 years after receiving heart from suicide victim http://www.kimatv.com/news/national/17339164.html
  13. Looks happy to have finally "shit" out all those eggs. Better not touch them. http://facebooklimbos.com/spider-guarding-eggs.jpg Theridion grallator, also known as the "happyface" spider.
  14. Looks good, man! Oh, and some old fucker and his wife almost hit me in a black buick yesterday. Real close. Luckily, I always expect the worse of those around me. I won't even continue on about their driving afterwards. I mention this because you drive a black buick somehow, making this your fault.
  15. I sleep very, very little and what sleep I do generally sucks. I completely suck at sleeping. Mine, I believe, is mostly due to my back and and an overworked concsious.
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    Go UCLA!!! Oh. Wait...
  17. Eh. But it's better than the earworm I had earlier this morning. Women with mullets... not really my thing, either.
  18. If nobody steps up, ebay that shit. I bought a 3in straight through that weighs less than 8lbs (6 1/2lbs?) for $40shipped. There were cheaper ones, as well. This was a long time ago, but I can't imagine it being anything but cheaper.
  19. The gf and I found a ticket game that had gone on the fritz and pumped out tickets constantly; even just for dropping a token in it. It ran out before we had too many... but yes, I actually had the audacity to ask them to refill the ticket roll. They did.
  20. Pretty sweet. My mind is already reeling with the possible projectiles for that thing.
  21. I love when someone asks a specific question and most of the answers are "suggestions" for something else. lol Here is your free, online pic resizer. Now, wait for it. It's a very hard address to remember. BAM! http://www.picresize.com/
  22. We were lucky enough to have an officer actually come to the door and request for us to move a vehicle. It was my gf's parents car and they were leaving soon. We wanted to pack the car back up before they left. Cop said someone had complained. I guess because they had to walk and extra 3 ft around the trunk. Don't get me wrong, I think depending on the street and the amount of traffic, you shouldn't block a sidewalk for obvious reasons.
  23. I thought at first, that's not too bad... Then, I got to the passenger side. Ouch.
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