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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Just to clear up any possible misconceptions. I think the judge's sentencing was excellent. We need more judges like this. I also agree you should make an attempt on learning the language. My only problem was any beliefs or negative assumptions brought upon a group of people as a whole. Also, the fact these guys weren't kicked from the States tells me they were not illegal. This means one of two things. They weren't born here but gained their citizenship without the ability to speak English. Hmm. Or, they were born here which makes them as American as you and I. Which makes this whole "I hate immigrants" shit a bit pointless. Wait, I have one more thing. But this reflects on them as individuals again, not a group. They already knew English and were f'n lying. I've experienced that, as well and not just with Mexicans or any other Latino. My point? Stop grouping people into "easy to hate pods" and learn to recognize them as individuals, equals and fellow human beings. Dammit, can't we all just get along?
  2. Not me. I see someone else's glass and I take it. Seriously, though, my gf and I have the same problem. Every assumption has to be the worst one. This is something we're always having to deal with and almost lead to me leaving her. I will tell you what's important. The fact that I now see her try. That I see her catch herself and change her attitude right away or just drop it all together. Sorta like what B-ry was talking about. She truly makes the effort. And that's all any of us can ask for. Either accept them for who they are, or work together to improve. Once one or both of you stop making an effort to improve as people in a relationship, then it's time to move on.
  3. Ahh, flagged for removal. I declare from now on when you post a link to a craigslits ad or something similar, copy the page here, too.
  4. THE EARTH IS HOLLOW! http://infinity.usanethosting.com/Heart.Of.God/HollowEarth/Hollow_Earth.jpg
  5. Even if you can't prove the audio is swapped (or there's a V8 right off camera) you'd think with the lope that motor has, the exhuast tip would at least be vibrating/moving, something.
  6. One of only a couple American cars to illicit any interst in me for awhile. Just gotta talk the gf into finally trading in the Cougar for GXP DD.
  7. May roll through, I dunno.
  8. The comments contain a decent amount of info, as well.
  9. I can see and agree with what you're saying. There is one thing I wish to point out, though. In your statement, you generalize all "foreigners". Some of the most "patriotic" people I have ever met, were foreigners. The problem I have, I guess, is that too many people lump into groups and it's undeserving. It's no more deserving than assuming I'll steal your car and/or your woman because I'm Puerto Rican or that I can't leave my house for more than a weekend without assuming my white neighbors will claim "Manifest Destiny" and take my home and yard for their own.
  10. A bit more amazing than you're probably assuming. Also, after seeing this video, I can no longer feel sorry when your "dumber than a monkey" kid runs out in front of my car. http://www.break.com/index/monkey-riding-mini-bike.html
  11. Agreed! My g-father used to be in dirt track racing, midgets, etc.
  12. I like to do alot woods walking and tried to find these shrooms a little bit last year without any luck. I'll be trying again this year.
  13. ImUrOBGYN


    Was listening to this song yesterday on a Rick Ross cd. #18
  14. I'd say no to Brian but feel like a yes to this.
  15. Fuck. NOT the point. I've meant plenty of people of all races born here in the US that are damn near impossible to understand and stupid as a rock. The fact they are Hispanic is irrelevant. What's important here, is that the judge has given them a sentence that can actually be helpful to themselves and society, irrelevant of where they're from, they're background, etc. BTW, has it dawned on you that they obviously aren't illegals? I'm so tired tired of hearing "foreigner this, foreigner that", shit. We're all foreigners here. How quickly we forget how this country was founded and built and what it meant. If everyone wants to continue feeling this way, maybe we should just go ahead and remove that annoying plaque on the Statue of Liberty while we're at it. Do yourselves a favor and read it. Really read it. The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Emma Lazarus, 1883
  16. I will be playing this tonight. Hopefully, Thorne will not be so wasted that he runs in place in a corner during co-op mode.
  17. And c'mon! Nobody wants to touch my "Expanding Earth" theory? Nah. coupe_no is providing excellent entertainment. Way to go.
  18. Will try to keep it in mind as I do occasionally catch the show.
  19. Was thinking the same. Will be much cheaper in the end and you won't have to insure it. (Well, pay their insurance thing, of course. Then jump over the steepest train tracks you can find.) There, then you're set. All there's left is to attach the nitrous and the Dukes of Hazard horn.
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