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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. uh oh, some OSU fans are going to get their panties in a twist
  2. Exodus

    App holes

    http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20014356-37.html This is why as soon as I can afford it I am switching to an android phone. Who wants to own a device in which the manufacturer can have remote control over? I love my iphone but this is just bullshit. Any recommendations on GSM android phones to pick up?
  3. Thats must have ripped his flesh off
  4. http://obamaforwards.com/2010/04/19/ThatMomentJustBeforeThePainBegins.aspx
  5. Last check point I went through was on Bethel road right before it hit godown, and this was months ago. How do you find out when these are?
  6. "They could open a gay bar and call it the mouth full.. you could go there and have a COCKtail, or maybe a highBALL" - George Carlin
  7. no red ring this unit was made 05/14/09
  8. Does he have more sucking power than a hooker with a vacuum?
  9. I say let em' hate http://i36.tinypic.com/2po60br.jpg
  10. Haha, the more threads I read about you, I'm more interested in meeting you, well in this case taking advice from you lol
  11. I have an xbox 360 unit with two controllers, power cable, 20gb HD, and a black CF look alike faceplate. The only problem with this unit is the DVD drive quit opening on me, I'm sure it can be replaced. I am asking 50firm and pick up only.
  12. I've used lemon juice before as long as the grill grate is super hot first. The citric acid eats away at it.
  13. Like most of us I am super broke, but I will throw what I can your way. My mom had cancer and beat it, now its back. After 14 kids, I'm sure she can handle a little more cancer. Thank you for doing this.
  14. That pisses me off too. Fuck! Maybe I need anger classes.
  15. I'm sure this is already a law, but people should have to pull into the lane closest to them, so I can turn into the lane closest to me and we can all be happy.. Instead of me turning when they turn and they honk at me and I give them the finger for being a moron and not paying attention to simple traffic laws.
  16. WORK HARDER! People on welfare depend on you!
  17. Whoa... the paper clip is too much... P.s. my offer still stands with the collection of rubber bands I have.
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