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Agent Orange

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Everything posted by Agent Orange

  1. I was just about to post this.
  2. Melvins Civilized Worm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY66BIuYOYA&list=FLPbiCJjRtij8a7GPTemYf-w&index=10&feature=plpp_video
  3. Not many "metal" bands better live than Opeth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0r11rbNydI&list=FLPbiCJjRtij8a7GPTemYf-w&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  4. I went with an Extang Trifecta. I absolutely love it. If you need more security and rarely take it off, go with a hard cover. Mine has been off a half dozen times since Oct. so I like the ease of removal without having to ask for help.
  5. In for tailgating, smoking cigars, and saying "fuck yeah" every time something cool happens, which I think would be often.
  6. just some quick research, but at the Maxton Mile events, 130 mph required cage, 175 parachute. I would imagine, the need for a full fire suit, complete car fire supression system, etc. The faster you go the more money you can expect to spend on safety equipment (I know, duh)
  7. That looks very normal. You probably threw a weight off. Have them rebalanced and try them again.
  8. He also has "proof" that 9/11 was perpetrated by George Bush and the US gov't. Do you believe that? He believes that vaccinating your children is a conspiracy to infect and control the world population. New World Order. Need I go on?
  9. I can't imagine taking anything Alex Jones says at face value. He is entertaining, but bat shit insane.
  10. Ray needs maor push bar for the golf cart. I hear it's worth 2 tenths at least.
  11. Nice to see some civilized people in SE MI. Nice to see you again Brian and Ray as well. I'm glad to see he had a good time, ran some #'s and didn't tear anything up. 275 qualifying was really close #1 5.031 #2 5.032 #3 5.033 My Friend Trace won it with a 5.09 in the final and blew a header tube clean off. Great day of racing.
  12. Thats a great looking car. If you can get 5.30's consistently you've got a shot. A lot of those guys go for broke to run a #. I'll be up there with a few friends that run 275. It's a great show.
  13. I have 35 front 20 rear on my DD since 2004 and have never received even a glance by the police. The Mustang has 15 all the way around and I have received one ticket since 2005 (on my birthday to boot, cocksucker) This was on 71 near Polaris. I have a tint perscription from my optometrist. Don't know if that will work, haven't been pulled over yet to try it out.
  14. Does the ashtray door still work? If so, it may be the only one in existence.
  15. Stock 3650. After a couple hundred passes at WOT, second gear is hating life and will need to be addressed at some point.
  16. With a 26" hoosier and my car trapping 116, I was crossing the line at 6800 already. Did you run 28's?
  17. Block is good for more than that little blower can dish out. The rods on the other hand..... I don't want to get in the aluminum recycling business so it will stay around 450.
  18. Stock lower end still, but that's the plan. I might have to pull the 4.30s though, they might be a little too much now.
  19. A few months ago I ran across a used P1SC for a really good price, and I couldn't pass it up. The install was finally finished last Friday and I wanted to get it on a dyno quickly. So I emailed Brian at Dynotune, 20 min later my phone was ringing with Brian on the other end. We scheduled a tune for Sat afternoon and he invited me down to watch him tune an Eaton swapped Mach before my junk. Now I know I not breaking any news here, but he extremely customer oriented and friendly. He put up with a boost leak that we fixed on the dyno, and really hot miserable weather. Anyway, the only mods on the car before (besides a built rear and suspension) was a catted x, slp catback, and an intake spacer. The car has a 100 shot on it, but the bottle needs recertified and I haven't filled it in over a year. Well with Brian working his magic, it laid down the following. This was with 15 degrees timing, 8 pounds of boost, and the pumps dangerously low on voltage over 5500 rpms. Once I get the pumps figured out we can spin it to 6800 then back it down for an extremely safe tune. I am ecstatic with the car. It cruises like stock and really stout when in boost. So another +1 for Brian. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/viewer-1.png
  20. Not gonna get any better than that. :masturboy:
  21. Flat white would look a little strange with the glossy black, and that chevy green looks suspiciously like the green on last years 14. I like the pearl white and black. That would be slick.
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