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Agent Orange

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Everything posted by Agent Orange

  1. I thought the same thing after I read the article.
  2. I wish I could ask for a Big Pilot, but alas, I can't pull the trigger on a 10k timepiece.
  3. My daily http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/photo-1.jpg
  4. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/photo.jpg
  5. 1 HD DVR, 1 HD box, HBO, and the standard interwebs. My bill just jumped $15 to $135. I guess whatever made up plan they had me on expired. Time to call CS. Be back in a week, wish me luck.
  6. There is a guy on a sportbike site that has over 186,000 miles on a 93 M900. Still on the original motor.
  7. I am not sure about any known problems, but from the times I've been in one I really like them. The interior is cavernous. Unless you are over 7' your legs won't come close to the front seats when sitting in the back. The second row also reclines (although I think this is an option). They are really quiet and with the standard 6 in there, should deliver low to mid 20's on the highway. Also, the nav and sync are pretty slick and work really well.
  8. Nah, but if you're lucky maybe one of the balloons they stick up your keister will pop and you can trip balls for a week.
  9. I love the way those Akrapovic cans sound on that bike. Great choice.
  10. UGH! I lived there and went through the exact same situation. Take pictures when you move out or do the walk through with the leasing manager (they won't do that though). You will get hit with roughly $500-$1500 in "cleaning fees" no matter what. I was charged $15 for excessive dust on the ceiling fans, and a $600 window that was cracked during an ice storm 8 months prior, that they never fixed but where told about every single month. That place is shady as hell. I am still going to throw a brick throw the leasing office window one of these days. Good luck.
  11. Might have jumped the gun. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/aug/02/correction-buckeyes-not-charged-in-assault-ar-175231/
  12. Wow! TPD is finally good for something. Congrats on getting your vehicle back.
  13. My bone stock 08 put down 165 and 92 ft lbs.
  14. I on TT as well if you want to PM me the details.
  15. Akrapovic is a great choice. They sound amazing.
  16. With an Elder B intake of course.
  17. They also wouldn't keep cool. I know some guys that run NMRA and they put 30#'s of ice in the coolers before a run, and drain straight water out back in the pits.
  18. A little bit of everything, but mainly sport touring. I wanted a bike big enough to put some serious miles on, and still be relatively sporty in the turns. It's going to take me awhile to get used to the shear grunt of this thing. God is it a monster.
  19. I thought this might get your attention, Dover. It is stone stock except for a fender eliminator. Only 2740 miles. The hardest thing to do will be to wait until I can go to the DMV which will be on Sat (of course it is going to rain all weekend:doh:)
  20. I picked this up today Waited 20 years to get it. Better pics to come. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/IMG_1062.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/IMG_1063.jpg
  21. I figured I would place this here to get more traffic. I have never purchased anything used via a private party and have a question. The bike I found is perfect but the owner has a loan through his credit union in WV. I was told to get the payment info from his CU and work with my bank to wire the money directly and obtain the title that way. I won't just cut a check and hope I found a good Christian who will do the right thing:rolleyes: What is the best way to have the loan paid off and cover my ass at the same time? I'd really hate to have to kill someone.
  22. If I'm in town this weekend, I'll be down.
  23. Buy it. The 29 is a sweetheart to shoot. Even better than the 20. It is a little fat (no more than the 30), and finding good leather for concealed carry may be tricky. I don't carry mine, but I threw a pinky extension on it and it fits my hand great. Be prepared to have people come and ask you what the heck your shooting when at the range. The 10mm round is fantastic, and the gun soaks up a lot of the felt recoil in some of the hotter Double Tap rounds I've sent through it. No need for the 40 short and whimpy after owning this.
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