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Agent Orange

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Everything posted by Agent Orange

  1. Doesn't he earn something like $30 mil/ year from the Tonight show gig? All that knowledge, yet can't pronounce Porsche correctly:nono:
  2. I'll take a CTS-V. Throw some Blizzaks on for winter time, and you'd be good to go. Although I haven't priced them. Can you get one for 25K?
  3. I called this evening to complain for the eighth month in a row about not receiving a paper bill. I complained about the boxes having to be rebooted every few days just to watch on demand movies. Ordered Showtime (they are running a special, get three months free) and it works on the downstairs box but not upstairs WTF? I tries rebooting but nothing. Does anyone know when Uverse is coming to Delaware?
  4. We all know that tacos are the gateway to violence with knives and guns. Good thing he is off the streets:rolleyes:
  5. Also try http://www.corral.net http://www.hardcore50.com
  6. Whatever I get will be put into a savings account. Once we are out of the woods (economically) this will go towards a deck.
  7. +1 I never wanted to hurt anyone more than when returning an item to BB. I will never buy a Sony product or shop at Best Buy ever again. Plus I bought my 50" Samsung for $150 cheaper at CC. They were always willing to bend the price a little.
  8. now they need to kill Colt McCoy
  9. Holy shit! a throw to the tight end? How novel.
  10. It's time for the kid to build his legend.
  11. What I wouldn't give for a pick 6 right meow
  12. Jesus can I say "looks" any more? Sam Adams FTW. Go Bucks.
  13. Looks like Texas has never seen a real running back like Beanie. It looks like OSU will get out of the second quarter with out giving up 30 points.
  14. Because I can't carry a cop with me everywhere I go. I choose to protect myself and my family by a right provided to us by the second amendment.
  15. Didn't you hear? The games been cancelled. Michigan can't get past Toledo.
  16. Tim Lynch's 60' on his record run was a 1.12.....
  17. I was speaking of the 60'. Hell, Donnie Walsh tried for 3 years to run a .99 60' and couldn't do it in PRO 5.0. His pile was making more power and had more tire.
  18. Thats probably a low 6.40 That 60' is incredible, I don't believe that will be touched by another car for a long while.
  19. Negative, Pistols and rifles indoor only.
  20. I believe you were judged after you and your "crew" destroyed a perfectly drama free spot with fights and genereal douchebaggery. Then you came on TT calling everyone gay because their mommy and daddy bought their cars, and were called on your bullshit. Did you think you were going to be treated better here? Read some other intro's here. You're lucky you haven't been banned already.
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