Because I have to pay my property tax to go to schools that teach liberalism to the kids. On top of that, I have to spend more money every month to send my boy to a private schools when I already pay for the public ones. Thats why.
I thought the same. So this is real?
Tell me if my cliffs are right.
1 Kid rents garage.
2 Put stolen car in garage.
3 Kid does not pay rent.
4 Somebody finds out cars is stolen
5 Car gets towed by police.
6 Kid gets charged with receiving stolen property
Or did I miss something?
You cant take things from the car and sell them to recover your rent without proper legal process. That is theft. Even though he owes you money the items are not yours to sell. Here is the storage unit law about placing liens on the items inside, I am not even sure if that could apply in this situation because it seems the law was written for the properties that "sole purpose is storage"
Tonight on Discovery Channel, Fight Quest is airing the show about Krav in Isreal. Starts at 10PM.
This election provide no one for me to get behind at this point. I would never vote for Hillary, Obama, or the Quasi liberal McCain. I guess I will write in Paul
Last but not least, I think they have to be related...
Protected, but not raised right. They were likely taught "don't do the because I say so", Not "don't do that because it is not the moral/right/what god wants".
I have seen those kids go off the deep end too, but I will still sensor my kids media .