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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Yea your right, kids are able to see porn on the net too. I think I will just let my kids go to every porn site at will, they will see some porn from their friends anyway. As a matter of fact I think I will start my son out with a subscription to Hustler now. I almost forgot, to get my son his first pack of Marlboro's, he will see kids smoke so I might as well give him some myself.
  2. http://www.poke-egg.com/pics/gay_thread.jpg
  3. HAOLE

    The Lion's Den

    I guess if you were getting action at home, you would not be hanging out there to notice. Just a thought.
  4. I should have paid more attention in Chem class
  5. I doubt a nuclear reactor, it would be way to heavy to get into space. Nuclear war heads are completely possible. I am sure there is more to this story than we will ever know.
  6. I wonder how many years of counseling that will take to get over?
  7. I am going to ask this question, please dont say I am a racist because I am not. If Obama wins, should we end affirmative action? The whole idea behind affirmative action is that there is a glass ceiling, so if he becomes president the idea of a glass ceiling is kind of silly.
  8. I have read it years ago, and would not approve of my kids reading for a school project. I think they are using the term ban a little wrong. The parent is asking that it not be included in school curriculum. Not that the book should be burned. We excluded many written things from schools because of content. This is no different.
  9. Name another Artist given a State funeral? You need to listen to the other songs not just those two.
  10. In another life of mine... 2 Live Crew- As nasty as they want to be.
  11. Good post... another example of non-christians forcing their beliefs on our children.
  12. I know a lady that just gave away one. Her sister died and she did not wan the dog. Bad timing!
  13. HAOLE

    Need snow?

    We got about an inch in about 20 minutes
  14. Start cooking something smelly on a daily basis If it is a duplex go buy a big fish and toss it on their side of the attic.
  15. I was bustin nutz, I dont even know any of their music.
  16. http://www.dcwhawaii.com/hawnmusic/IZ1.jpg /thread
  17. HAOLE

    The Lion's Den

    I could care less about that law. Seriously.
  18. TTT... Still need a block
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