surgery will be required. Do you have a basement or crawl space under the room? If you do you will need to run new wiring for the outlet. You can buy "old work" outlets at lowes for the boxes.
Or you can get the wire raceway track and the the wires will be in the outside of the wall by that will be a lot easier.
Employment attorney might be able to help. Keep in mind Ohio is an employment at will state. An employer can fire or reduce hours at will. Did she make a police report about the incident? It sounds over the line to me.
Maybe I missed it. What are you going to shoot? If it is small (Ground hog) I would go .25-06 or .22-250 They are both screamers. The .25-06 is good because if you do hunt deer in a state that has rifle hunting, I think most say you have to have at least .25 cal. That makes the .25-06 a good all around gun to me.