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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. The Federal reserve will not let that happen. They will set up a bail system that will restructure debt for the bank so interest payment on the money will continue. Look back at history, this is what always happens (to large banks). Bank get into trouble because of our fractional reserve system them the Fed rushes in to save the day by printing more money to loan then the citizens get stuck with the bill in the form of inflation.
  2. Both count but if you cant get then to the polls then you could rais ton of money and it wont matter. So sorry for not exploring every single angle of a very complex issue. Israel can have support of the US with out direct monetary contributions. They can have support in the form of purchasing weapons and food. They could have political support. But neither on of those should cost our nation money. Infact it should be a financial gain for us. "support has many different meanings that just dollar bills.
  3. The conservatives are taking over your bars now!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080108/ap_on_fe_st/odd_cussing_ban :funny:
  4. I though we were brothers
  5. Do you have anything new to say? You sound like a broken record!
  6. This is a trans sexual with no job and has Medicare at my age. May as well not waste the stamp.
  7. great... I will give you a cookie See , it feels good to agree with me! Like Anthony said, it does not matter how much he has raised. The votes for him is what get the job done.
  8. Were they were at the Continent years ago? I bought skate boards there when I was a kid.
  9. http://www.garyclocks.com/JPEGseptember18/sackrider.jpg
  10. The only time you come out of the wood work is when I post. I am starting to think your an e-stalker. In this thread I have not said if we should or should not give money to Israel. IMHO we should continue to support Israel. At the same time we need to be prepared for the backlash that comes with that. Those that call for an end to the support of Israel are often pursued buy the ADL and AIPAC and labeled "anti-Semitic" or "supporters of terror". The Jewish lobby has a huge influence in America. If you don't think that the Jewish lobby holds a big stick here is an example: Now it does seem a little strange the Jewish population is relatively small in America. Yet they occupy a large portion the the cabinet level and high authority positions in the White house. I am not saying this is good or bad I am just putting the information out there, you decide. The ADL and the AIPAC don't speak for all Jews, they speak for the ones that have money. In the political arena money talks.
  11. I am impressed you just found two websites by the Jews endorsing Paul. Congrats! Now use your head and think a little. Neither one of the site represent the ADL or any of the other big money Jewish lobby groups. BTW, READ YOUR OWN LINKS BEFORE POSTING.
  12. Have you once seen me post an endorsement for Huckabee... Nope. Look at my sig you fool. If people like you laugh at me go right ahead. The last people I want to impress are your generation. Go smoke some more pot and contribute little as possible to society, we will be better off. :funny: Columbus Metro library has the bible in the Non-fiction section... look it up! :nutkick: Sorry about you luck play again in the next thread.
  13. Good Shots! What camera are you using?
  14. The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.
  15. Jesus came here to die for sins not live.
  16. Now before someone pulls out the anti Semite sword, I am not. As a Christian I support an Israeli state and the Jewish people. Now lets be realistic, do you really think that the only candidate that is wanting to let Israel fend for itself and cut the billions of dollars of funding per year has a chance at winning this election. The media is nearly completely controlled by Jewish families and businesses. Ron Paul is the only one that has not accepted Jewish support in his campaign. That is why he is largely ignored by the big media http://www.jrtelegraph.com/2007/10/gov-mike-huckab.html http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/23183/edition_id/462/format/html/displaystory.html
  17. Maybe this has something to do with it. http://www.dailypaul.com/node/19098
  18. I have no clue about how to solve these problems. It is a shame though, it could happen to any of us.
  19. I think he should be compensated too. This hits home with me. As some of you may remember I have a cousin on death row in Arizona for a murder he did not commit. Not saying my cousin is a good guy and should not be in jail, but he did not deserve the death penalty. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong guy.
  20. I don't drink anymore, but my favorites were: Australia: Fosters Korea: OB I noticed I have not seen Bud on here yet.
  21. This was on yahoo news today. I was wondering what people thought about compensating those who have been wrongly convicted and imprisoned.
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