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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This will be soon happening to of WWII vets. Only 2 left from WWI now. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071221/ap_on_re_us/obit_coffey
  2. I am not willing to sacrifice my country so frosty and fries are right every time. I agree about "whitey". Some people need to learn work ethics.
  3. I need to slap some sense into you.
  4. IMHO being a bigot in this case would mean that you think the Mexicans should get a free pass, and everyone else in the world that wants to come here should wait in line. My stance is not of a bigot, it is plain and simple about the laws! Nothing irritates me more than going to a restaurant in Ohio and having to get out my Spanish-English dictionary to place my order.
  5. The Mexicans want to come here, fine. Do your paper work just like my relatives did and wait in line. http://www.stickergiant.com/Merchant2/imgs/450/ema002_450.jpeg
  6. Funny the schools are teaching Swahili, when more than half the kids can't speak English properly.
  7. Someone get this kid a Band-Aid, his heart is bleeding! The only stance on this issue is, they are breaking the law. They are stealing from you everyday and you don't see it. I was just in California last weekend visiting family. They are having to shut down hospitals there because the illegals have over run the state. There are so many illegals some of the schools are now teaching in Spanish not English, at the taxpayers expense. I have no sympathy for them. The way I see it, we need to end the law that gives the children of illegals citizenship just because the kids are born here. Send them all back to Mexico, strip the kids of the citizenship, they should not have been born here anyhow.
  8. http://www.break.com/index/barf-bags-dont-work-at-0-gs.html
  9. HAOLE

    93.5 supra tt

    I forgot about that!
  10. HAOLE

    93.5 supra tt

    $100 and I will throw in the extra remote.
  11. HAOLE

    93.5 supra tt

    I still have two keys for it, if you want it bad enough.
  12. I think the record is over 1k hp on stock internals. I am kind of out of the loop so I am not sure if Peter Blach's record has been broken
  13. Why did you choose the 1jzgte over the 2jzgte?
  14. The problem I see with his anylogy is he assumes that the goverment can fix all of those things. Education for example: A private school can educate a student for about 1/2 of what the public schools can. His idea is to throw more money at a problem. Government will never do education as good as the private sector can. Too much bureaucracy. Children's Health Care: Why is it my responsibility to pay for someone else's kid? You want health insurance for you kids? Go buy it yourself. Having the government foot the bill is nothing more than a back door redistribution of wealth. Fabian Socialism. World Hunger: When was the last time that giving money to a third world country helped. The money goes into the pockets of the two bit dictators pockets. Many times they manufacture famines by socializing farming and other industries. That will lead to a downfall nearly every time. Socialism does not work. Jerry sounds like a typical socialist to me. Edit: Russia is NOT our friend. We just moderately get along right now.
  15. Truth..... You will be HOURS doing it yourself for the first time.
  16. HAOLE

    Global warming

    I read the end of the book. People are still here at end times.
  17. It is a good drive away from here. Not much in Florence though.
  18. Is that Florence? Is so, how far from the Blue Mist Hotel?
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