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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Just proves to me even more they are wacked out!
  2. Too much fuel, improper timing, or incorrect firing order.
  3. You beat me too it! Those two are :gay:
  4. your right... I should have charged twice
  5. true I got to get out of this town.
  6. I did not say a center leg.. I said short left.
  7. X-ray showed a very short leg (about 1.5") on the left. The thing start arguing with me that is is the right side not the left. I said "I am sorry, but your left side is the short side". After that I was called a "mother F@#$$%" and an "SOB" I guess if you are that messed up and cant tell what gender you are there is a lot of pent up anger. After all that thing stiffed me on the bill. That is what makes me the maddest. If you want to cuss me fine, but at least pay me for it.
  8. That sucks.... Too bad you cant turn them away. Say "sorry about you coke head mistakes"w.
  9. You will never believe it..... It was a trans sexual. True story!!!! The thing cussed me out when I showed it the xrays. I asked it to leave my office and it refused until the fourth time I told it to leave.
  10. All you need is a mullet to complete that package.
  11. Next time to the doctors office.... Don't think that the doctors works for free, and bring you cash, check or credit card please. Why is it that some people think that you can go to the doctor and not have to pay for your services. If you don't have $$ stay home! This was a public service announcement brought to you by Dr. Rick that got screwed out of $100 today(not by a CR member).
  12. Until you hit about 50 and you have the oxygen tank connected to you!
  13. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    you forgot about no videos of Tom slobbering drunk. BTW... Tom has not been to rehab, the Hoff has. T
  14. Remington 870 12ga. with a short barrel and a pistol grip. I buy my guns at Fin Fur Feather north of Mansfield. You may want to just check Walmart, you can get fine deal there too.
  15. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    My cousin lives in Kailua. He bought a 1700 sqft house that was in rough condition for 900K and then put another 30K into before moving in.
  16. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    They even import the pineapple now.
  17. You mean she is still in daycare!
  18. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    Last year... I had my practice for sale. I looked into buying a para sail boat and moving to Hawaii and just run a para sail business.
  19. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    I have been there many times, but have not got inside yet... Mrs. Anderson is a nice old lady. She was telling me stories about people trying to sneak in and others the just walk into her house "site seeing". My life dream is to buy the estate and run Magnum themed tours of the Island. Take people around to the famous spot like the King Kamehameha Club (it is really the Honolulu Elks Club). Rabbit Island, TC's House, and so on. The final stop would be the estate, with a tour, and souvenirs. Mrs. Anderson is old and will be passing on soon enough. She has no heirs that I know of.... maybe it will go to auction. Anyone I have about 15 mill I can borrow?
  20. HAOLE

    Magnum P.I. Fans?

    Same thing happened to me.
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