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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I did the work with the help of a friend that is a Mercruiser mechanic. All Mercruiser parts were used. Its on Ebay now.....click
  2. I talked to Webber racing, and through a little research of my own. I don,t think that tunning is easy on these cars. Either a 2k standalone, or burn chips. The chips I hear are close if you have someone burn it that has been doing it for years. They tend to eat cams according to Webber racing. The pistons were cast from the factory. The piston has steel and aluminum in it, that leads to cracks. To some it up, if the car is stock with factory pistons in it, they are most likely cracked due to the age of the cars.
  3. I bet that would tap out most peoples insurance limits....
  4. $4250...... pick it up!!!
  5. I am a Magnum P.I.fan. The Magnum P.I. movie is scheduled to be out next summer. They already screwed it up!!!! They cast other people to do the movie, instead of making the movie a reunion. It would have been nice for them to write it as a reunion and settle out if Higgins was/is really Robbin Masters
  6. That show was gay 20 years ago. I doubt they have made it any better. Pizza eating, talking, martial artist, turtles = gay!!!!
  7. TTT Almost 80 outside today... the water is getting warmer!!!!
  8. I have been looking at the prices on parts and they are cheap... I am used to MKIV Supra prices!
  9. I am looking at a couple Grand Nationals.... I have always thought they were one of the best looking cars of all time. My questions.. 1. What are the limitations of the stock internals and fuel system? 2. Are the any known issue with theses cars? head gaskets ect? 3. Any other advice? Thanks P.S. Can a mod fix the title?
  10. My next gun!!!!! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/US_Marine_Corps_M198_155mm_towed_howitzer.jpg
  11. In a former life... I installed alarms, cell phones, car audio ect. The biggest problems I have ever seen have been from customers thinking they can do it themselves. Then they would bring the vehicles back to the shop and it would take twice as long to install it properly. The next biggest problems came from dealerships. Mechanics generally do not do good installs. I would look for someone who is MECP certified. I think Best Buy and Circuit City employee MECP certified guys so I don't see why they would not do a fine job
  12. I will hunt you down!!!
  13. TTT Make an offer.... it's almost a fire sale!!!
  14. If anything the poor need to pay more tax! "Miss I had three kids before twenty", with three different fathers needs to pay more tax. The way the system is now, most likely she would pay no tax, while using governmental services that we all pay for. Flame ooooonnnnn!!!!!!
  15. good find.... That will be hard to swallow for the granola and Birkenstock crowd.
  16. Boys, you better get one of these before Eli and his cronies take our rights away!!!!! http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/2007-03-22-1252-38-1.jpg
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