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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Details on whats going under the hood?
  2. I think it would be a broad generalization to say that it is the only the bible thumpers that would ike to see the clubs go away. I am sure that there are many people that would like them to go away so there is less chance there daughter will end up there. No matter your religious background, or lack of, I doubt that any one could give a good argument with regards to the clubs being helpful to any community. The clubs are mainly located in less desirable areas because most people will not stand for the drop in property value they will sustain if a new club opens next door to them. I have a great idea...those of you that think we should have the strip clubs remain the same, go out and start getting signatures of Ohio residents to introduce a measure on the ballot to protect the clubs. I can see it now... " Excuse me! We are with the strip club association. We are gathering signatures to help protect the strippers rights to take there clothes off for your husband. Can we count on your support?" BTW... it was the bible thumpers that wrote the constitution that allows the states the right to regulate such activity.
  3. click this works for me....
  4. I love it too!!! I dont smell like an ashtray if I go to applebees.
  5. Try Sallie Mae.... it is easier to explain the student loan payment to your kids, than it is explaining to your daughter why mom danced with a pole for four years.
  6. Let me rephrase that... I could care less what happens to these places. But I do agree that you should have the right to goto these places. If you want to give you hard earned $$ to "ho's" go ahead.
  7. Who cares... those places are the biggest waste of time and money in the world. I have been to PLENTY of them in the past. (St. Louis and Hawaii were the best) At one time I frequented them, but then I got smart, I got a wife and started giving her the $$ instead. At least I have two great kids to show for it.
  8. I could care less about not getting food on the plane, or a pillow. My question is how can you fly a 50 million dollar aircraft, maintain it , fuel it, staff it, and only charge 150 round trip to LA and back. Something is getting left out somewhere... ie. saftey?
  9. HAOLE


  10. puff, puff, pass maaaaann - Chris Tucker
  11. It looks like a corvette with a body kit.
  12. VERY sad cartoon...but true
  13. I got it from a buffet in St. Louis. I think I got it from the Mac & Cheese. That was one of the worst times of my life. I was in bed for 5-6 days and I lost 20 pounds. I should have been in the hospital but I did not have insurance. Needless to say I did not eat mac & cheese for almost 5 years.
  14. http://www.zeitronix.com/ Best wideband out there... plus it data logs for you.
  15. Have Linn take a leak on the affected area.... clear it right up...true! opps... thats for a jelly fish sting....sorry seriously a product called Ivy Dry works well.. Ivy Dry
  16. Here is one for you cheap....click
  17. someone told me that adding moth balls helped too... I have always been scared to try that sort of stuff
  18. HAOLE

    The Supra...

    So what was wrong with it?
  19. :funny: My choice for going on a killing spree would be something like a 25-06 with a bull barrel. That way I could sit back about 1/4 mile in a nice safe place well hidden. Or if you want to get up close and personal I would go with an AK47 full auto. My last choice to go on a killing spree would be a 9mm hand gun. You have to be a lot closer, and they are not as accurate as a long gun. Also with a AK you could get a 100 rd drum, and not have to change magazines....
  20. HAOLE


    you don't need tires! :funny:
  21. My old ride: 93.5 Supra cam gears--$300 clutch--$700 down pipe--$150 exhaust--$700 fields harness--$275 Greddy BCC---$95 Line Loc--$250 Greddy BOV--$300 AFC--$100 2-step--$150 boost control--$75 Poly bushings -$750 K&N--$35 Wideband--$300 Total--$3850 engine parts--$1260 start 320 hp at the fly wheel end 471 hp at the flywheel counting 15% drivetrain loss net gain 151hp $8.34 per hp gained
  22. The police are not normally a protective force, they are reactive in most cases. Personal protection is the responsibility of the individual. You are right in saying an armed society is a polite society.
  23. My son is four now... I got four more years to wait
  24. No they start in middle and high school buying firearms from other thugs... true story! I lived it. I will still have my long guns, black powder guns, sling shot, ball bat, kitchen knife, jar of gas, and any other legally owned object that can kill a person. Triple Post
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