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Posts posted by HAOLE

  1. Sorry bud...you fucked that up when you left your employment on your own. The system wins. Lol


    Not for food stamps and medical card. I just cant get unemployment. Right now, technically, I am poor. All of my cash is under an LLC name. So I could walk in and get me some food stamps so I can clean the stores out like the rest boozos up here in Knox.

  2. I don't belive he's retiring... he sold his buisness here to move to hawaii to open a buisness there...


    I have enough $$ I don't have to work for about 3 years. The point is not to drain all my cash though. I am far from being retired.

  3. Yet, you can't get him off your mind long enough to make a post. Do you seriously sit around all day thinking about the man? Nobody on the site gives a fuck about that shit but you.


    lol..... I am not the one who feels butt hurt so bad, to make a thread about getting my feelings hurt. But dont worry, I am sure Johnny boy will let you wipe the duck butter off him later.

  4. :lol: Boy, the nut swingers come out when Johnny makes a post around here. WOW!. I am surprised that you guys have not lined up to service Johnny.


    I just love how no one stood up for Johnny boy in the original thread, but when he makes a post all his little groupies come out to help him wipe his little tears. Maybe I should say I am sorry before Johnny has to go for therapy due to a melt down.


    I am sorry Johnny, dont cry, go see your mommy, she will get you a cookie and it will be all better.


    Love Rick

  5. And you must feel the need to insult a doctor from a profession that never had to sue the AMA for recognition as such.




    He is a cry baby no matter what profession he is in.


    And by the way, recognition had nothing to do with the law suit. To my knowledge Wilk v AMA was the only suit. It was about the AMA and its tactics to "contain and eliminate."

  6. Very possible. ;)


    Initially I thought he had just taken off from the airstrip across the street, but now they're saying he was inbound. Apparently he was banking to come around and land and just stalled.



    That is not hard to do. I am not sure about the specs of that plane but the approach speed in a Cessna 172 IIRC is 60-70 knots. If he was turning final and let his air speed drop too much he could have easily stalled. Stalling at 1200 ft generally equals death.


    Another possibility is he used too much rudder with a low air speed ( a slip) then you stall and spin. That will not be recoverable at that altitude.

  7. Your dads boat wont do 100 like this one and I can buy it cheaper then your dads. I told you my cash offer. I know its not what you were asking but that is all I think it is worth. Not trying to be a dick or disrespectful, but thats all its worth to me.


    Take it easy man..... BTW that boat will hit 100 with HCI.

  8. tonight i was bathing my twin girls (almost 3 years old), and getting ready to bathe our one year old boy. i was in the middle of rinsing one of the girls' hair, when my other daughter started pouring water out of the tub onto my leg---i yelled at her.



    then i realized my boy had walked over and was pissing all over my leg for a good 5 seconds. i apologized to my daughter for yelling at her.


    LOL... I have not had that happen yet!

  9. does the battery really stay up for 6hrs? i had a dell labtop and the battery would not stay up for long. the compaq said has a 3 battery system. dont know how long that means its good for. i figure a burnout, stage and run 20sec. x maybe 6 a day. proably needs to be good for 1hr.


    Your not going to find a cheap laptop that has 6 hour battery life, unless you get a new netbook.

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