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Posts posted by HAOLE

  1. Thanks, but I don't like u being nice to me, call me a dbag or sumtin. No one can kno about our non homosexual friendship that secretly involves us meeting naked in a room where lube pours from the ceiling.

    You need to keep that on the down low.:(

  2. The top 5 were all minorities white people didn't stand a chance :lol:


    1. Me- black

    2. Jose rojas

    3. Vicente uriosegi

    4 james dawkins- black

    5. Jesus mariono.


    Minus the 2 color fellows they were hispanic.


    We crackers are doomed!!!!!


    Good for you, Racquetball is a tough sport.

  3. There is something funny about a black guy as a NCAA racquetball champ. The next thing you know, we will have black guys taking over curling. Us crackers just cant have a sport of our own anymore.
  4. Call the gas company report a leak. They will shut of the gas and notify the owner he has to fix it. If he fails to fix it, he is not providing a habitable domicile. My view is the gas line should have been buried to begin with, he has failed to maintain his property. This is kind of like renting your car to your neighbor, the main bearing spins because you never changed the oil then expecting the guy to pay for the repair.
  5. i have been looking for that actually, haven't found any yet. I need it from a dealer so I can trade in my car. I suppose I could just try to sell my car first, I only owe like 6K on my car now.


    I am in the process of moving to Hawaii. I may be interested in selling my c5 z06 in the next couple of months.

  6. Would it really be the pressure??Or just the cooling affects of the material warping the rotor??


    From my experience working in machine shops, excessive heat then cooling will cause steel to change shape. That is just one of the reason colant is used in most machining process.


    IMHO rotors warp from the heat/cool cycle and also based on the material used in the rotor. If you by cheap Chinese made rotors that use inferior steel they will tolerate less heat than good quality rotors.

  7. i have it at work, but i dont have personal access to it. i have to email a sup. sorry man. if i was still at my old job, i'd help you out again


    Thanks man, I appreciate the last time

  8. I've never heard of cocker spaniels biting. That was the main reason we got him with my sisters babies he has been amazing with them and has never snapped bitton or even shown teeth



    IMHO cockers are one of the worst dogs for biting people. Some of them will go into "rage" and will not stop attacking until you nearly knock them out cold. As your dog ages he will start to show.I know this because I am former cocker owner myself. We put our dog down because of this.



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